good comebacks in an argument with parents

Your parents need time to adjust to this, and you need to understand their position. When youre at such a point, thinking of witty comebacks becomes next to impossible, and you end up losing the argument. 44. "Wow, Do you think I'm unaware of this?" Keep the focus on the matter at hand and off your childs feelings about their teacher. You have miles to go before you reach mediocre. followers 129 videos. Somewhere out there, a tree is producing oxygen for you. 45. Or maybe you'll just land an unexpected kiss and your enemy will turn into a lover. Backtalk, Name-calling, and Disrespect: Can This Family Learn to Get Along? Do you dread the threat of a temper tantrum and feel like you give in to your childs demands in order to avoid an outburst? Feb 10, . How else would you understand me? Keep in mind that it is completely appropriate for kids to have their own space and that Leave me alone is appropriate and often should be accommodated. You don't want to turn your playful banter into an actual fight. Long argument chains over if 1kg in a field weighs more than 1kg in the gym. @mtaycooljay -- nice, those are some of the best, I know I won't remember them though, I have heard these before too. statewide crisis hotline. Check them out: 1. (You Can't argue with yourself). Weve all been in a situation where we have the perfect witty comeback to the comments we dont agree with that our parents may sometimes make to us. "I'm not your type. Oh sweetie, that high horse youre on makes your ass look huge. We value your opinions and encourage you to add your comments to this The best part? I would have called you a pig, but the pigs would find it offensive. Here is how to focus the argument back on the issue at hand and reduce the emotional sting of your childs words in the process. An example of expressing yourself through an I statement would be to say something such as I feel like I get to go out much less than other people my age, rather than saying You never let me go out as much as my friends go out.. If you When somebody. 31. To hear him say those words when hes not getting his way is really hard! Hold up, are you yelling at me or shitting at me? Sometimes I wish I was deaf so that I dont have to listen to your bullshit anymore. 2. 36. 34. When you side with your children in this situation, you are actually undermining your own authority in the process. Don't have an account? If brains were dynamite, you wouldnt have enough to blow your nose. If you prefer a local resource, a great place to begin your search is Psychology Today, which is the leading site on which therapists list their services and you should be able to find many in your area. This might be a little difficult for some people, but it has a huge impact on the argument's outcome. 14. Don't blame me for your stupidity. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. The bottom line is that its a mistake to denigrate authority figures with your children. 37. Its impossible to underestimate you. My best comeback??? wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Youll probably even do it for me. 34. anger, irritability, arguing, defiance, and vindictiveness toward you As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Its backtalk that is a final attempt to anger you and to retaliate in some small way for something that your child doesnt like. It's looks like your face caught on fire and somebody tried to extinguish it with a hammer. There is only one problem with your face: I can see it. 1. Stories that matter delivered to your inbox. Remember, as a parent, it is not your job to fix your childs negative feelings or solve his social problems. Arguments are inevitable, but settling them is a must for both parents and their kids. Offer Advice But Only If They're Ready For It . I see no point in arguing with you. This way, you both get some of what you want. Enjoy! Giving your parents the cold shoulder will also make them think that you are acting like an immature child. 43. Tell them you do not wish to tolerate nor entertain such behaviors and walk away. When kids act out, they have an arsenal of backtalk they fire at you in order to put you on the defensivea secret language thats designed to win them control and absolve them of responsibility. Ineffective: Sarah, stop it! There's no misunderstanding it. 1. Jin specializes in working with LGBTQ individuals, people of color, and those that may have challenges related to reconciling multiple and intersectional identities. However, the creatives of Black Twitter let our imaginations run free with the #HowToughAmIBlackEdition. Keep the focus on the childs responsibility, meeting curfew, and stay out of the quagmire of an argument by saying: Its your responsibility to be home by curfew. The child is inviting you to a fight and you should decline the invitation. 34. Translation: Hes more lovable than I am, so you let him have his way. "I'll leave you alone. My Kids Are Too Smart for Their Own Good. "It helped by telling me the right move. Youd struggle to pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel. 43. When a child wants to get out of meeting a responsibility, the quickest way to do that is backtalk meant to make you angry. Is PETA actually good? The best way for arguments to be settled is for both sides to make their points respectfully, be willing to compromise, and accept the outcomes. Youve been talking so much shit you need a toilet paper. I Hate You, Mom! It will be better for you in the long run. Consider determining whether you are attempting to take the topic. For example, you might not agree that having a curfew is necessary at all, but this does not mean that your parents are wrong for instating a curfew. An example might be to say something like "I still do not think that I need a curfew, but I understand why you want me to have one, and I'll follow the rules.". These are not to be said to a friend because they won't b taken lightly. You can also create tasks and jobs for younger children, such as having them help you in the kitchen or in the yard. Reportedly while being held back by fellow cast mates, Murray fired off calling Chase a medium-talent. #HowToughAmIBlackEdition, Mom: Don't back talk me Me: It ain't called "back talk" it's called a conversation#HowToughAmIBlackEdition, Mom:"Say something else"Me: "Something else"#HowToughAmIBlackEdition, #HowToughAmIBlackEditionMom: I ain't one of your lil friends Me: I ain't one of your lil friends either, Mom: just wait until your daddy get home. It smells like something is burning dont tell me youre trying to think again. Never answer more than you have to. #HowToughAmIBlackEdition, mom: y does your room always look like this?me: cuz i want you to stay tf out of it.#HowToughAmIBlackEdition, "Lemme seem that report card. The Biggest Names Making Caricatures of Themselves if ugly people aren't allowed to talk to me then w, just say you wish and smile works every time, , This one is really mean and I'd Never say it but: I'd slap you but I don't abuse animals. Believe it or not, there is a way to get around this and hold your own when you get confronted. Facebook. 63. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Groucho had another great line, which is, "Next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you." 2. randomgirl These are good, but I would only use them on a rude stranger or someone I dislike. But the answer is important. 41. To read all future answers to your comment, please bookmark this page. Victoria How immature. I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone. 4. Good comebacks in an argument If you don't want to dispute, a good comeback could be what you need to defuse or lighten the situation. You dont love me.. Youre so stupid you dont even arouse suspicion. 15. For more advice, including how to avoid arguments with your parents in the future, read on! I can only imagine the pain you went through falling out of someones butt and into the toilet, you piece of crap. 76. selenagomez. Don't blame me for your stupidity. But I came to realize that my mind and body's response really protected me. Or does your child exhibit a consistent and severe pattern of 46. When kids act out, they arent always confrontational. lashing out, punching walls, and throwing things? I bet If you run the way your mouth does, youd be in good shape. This is just another version of I hate you and, again, they use this backtalk to get what they want. You look like a video game character whose face hasnt loaded all the way yet. 53. When a child tells me hes bored, I say, Can I help you with any ideas on how to make it easier to deal with? If he says yes, I try to process some choices with him. 41.2M. "Good to know that." It shows you don't have any problem with that at all. Since you know it all, you should know when to shut up. This squid is so raw I can still hear it telling SpongeBob to fuck off. Translation: I dont want to talk to you about this, I dont want to perform this task, and Im going to shut you down so I dont have to. Calmly mention that the dance runs until after curfew, and that you'd like to be there and will come straight home after. 93. 3. "I know Im talking like an idiot. If you were a spice, you'd be flour. When they've finished speaking, try to acknowledge their points before you make another point of your own. Does your child exhibit angry outbursts, such as tantrums, This narrows down their options and allows you to take control of the situation. If your parents think you only want to extend your curfew because all of your friends are all out drinking at night, tell them your version of the story and dont falter. You must have been born on the highway. Instead, just restate your role and the rules. Friend: Who sings this? It should catch your friend off guard, and make them laugh, so the 'argument' won't last much longer. This article was co-authored by Tasha Rube, LMSW. 40. You'd rather spend your day with dogs. Sometimes parents say, "No, I'm not trying to control you," when in fact, they really are. We don't do that. I dont have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. 75. You're so ugly, you couldn't even arouse suspicion. Take that up with your mom and dad. Some people are just lost causes. What's the best comeback you've ever given when joking around with your buddies? What can we do to get your work done on time?. Take a look at some of the things we wish we couldve said to our parents when we were young. One of New Zealands Prime ministers (I think it was in the 80s) once said that people who moved from New Zealand to Australia were raising the IQs in both countries. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. I would make a joke about your life, but I see life already beat me to it. Discover short videos related to comebacks for an argument with parents on TikTok. Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. Give your parents the courtesy of conducting your argument in private. Oh and my best comeback is: Dang these animal abuse laws, I can't slap you, These are good, but I would only use them on a rude stranger or someone I dislike. Sometimes laziness can be interpreted as Im tired and I dont feel like it. Sometimes laziness can be interpreted as My lifes not going to get better anyway, why should I try? In either case, laziness doesnt empower the child to take care of business. It's only a matter of time. But I am one of the adults in this household responsible for you, and you are obligated to follow the rules of the household. Instead, try things like I know you think that this is the best decision for me, but I disagree., You might say, for example, I know that you are afraid that my grades will suffer if I play a sport, but I will commit to studying an extra hour every Saturday and Sunday if you let me play., You might say, for example, "I understand that you don't want me to stay overnight for Rachel's party because you're worried we'll get into trouble. If youre in a conversation where eyes are being rolled, just keep focusing on what you want to communicate. Just make sure you say it with a smile! Youve still got to listen to her, though., Effective: It doesnt help to call the teacher names. If brains were dynamite, you still wouldnt have enough to blow your nose. 13. So here is my research on the best possible comebacks you can use when you're confronted by an arrogant person. You're like a broken pencil: pointless. If you take those comments at face valueor take them to heartyoull always be on the defensive, constantly reacting to a child whos out of control. But, use that repetition to your advantageprepare ahead of time and have your responses ready for the next time. If the person you're talking to really hates you, then this will make them quiet. I feel like these aren't things you should say to your friend. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion? Many times, during an argument or power struggle, kids will say, He always gets his way, or You love him more than you love me! When they do this, theyre either trying to manipulate the situation or distract you as a parent. Ineffective: Youll do what I say anyway!, Effective: I am not your mother. 42. Go home." For example, after arguing over the time of curfew, you should not continue to be mad at your parents the next day. But make sure you dont seem like you are bragging about yourself all the time. Translation: Im going to put you on the defensive and hit you where it really hurts so you give in and let me go out. Youve already won the fight. 26. 18. What you lack in beauty, you make up for in stupidity. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. Don't worry. Send them a text when your plans change so they wont worry about you. Its pointless trying to make fun of you; it would take you the whole day to figure it out. 52. 4. Here (gives Sarah a cookie) now be quiet!. Kids generally say whatever to their parents when theyve already lost the argument. But if your parents have a problem with your significant other and they dont like you spending time with him/her, this might be an instance in which planning an argument is worth it because there are more possible benefits on the line for you. For the example about extending your curfew, try calmly saying something like this: I would like to extend my curfew because it is important to me to have more time with my friends. 1. Friend: Yeah, let's keep it that way There's a lot more that you could do with your time. My mom always thinks she's right, now she is wrong.". 38. badbunny. I had a wet dream about you. Somewhere out there, a tree is producing oxygen for you. Climb back in your mum and cook a little longer. You can start by asking them if theres something theyre interested in doing, but dont push them to make a choice. Things like You always do this to me. Bring home good grades to show them. ", Instead of raising your voice to talk over your parents, listen carefully to what they are saying and then reply in a calm tone with something like I understand your concerns, but let me explain my side, please.. "Earth is full. 9. "Your enemy might turn into your lover" I laughed so hard. Of all the backtalk in your childs arsenal, the words I hate you can have the power to reduce any parent to tears or anger. By using our site, you agree to our. I'm gonna use some of these on him b. I love these!! Explain your feelings to your parents in a respectful manner, and repeat them if you don't feel that your parents understood the first time. 66. I would probably use these on family or rude strangers. Many times, kids will try to lay blame when a responsibility has not been met. The last time I saw something exactly like you, I flushed it. I would make a joke about your life, but I see life already beat me to it. 16. But you are responsible for remembering what it is you need to do.. This can redirect their energy and dispel their feelings of boredom. But sometimes, were often at the end of a tongue-lashing that gets us so angry it becomes challenging to make a comeback. 85. Dont overreact to requests for space or time alone and dont get stuck on your childs tone unless theyre rude or demeaning. need immediate assistance, or if you and your family are in crisis, please Responses to questions posted on are not intended to good comebacks in an argument with parents. If I had a face like yours I'd sue my parents.# Blame them, not me for pointing it out. 51. Unfortunately, it's not possible for us to respond to "I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth." 45. I was only silent because your level of stupidity rendered me speechless. 68. 17. Id like to see things from your point of view, but I just cant get my head in my ass. This is the best way to tell someone that you know you're smarter with them. You can defuse a tantrum and help prevent future tantrums by using an effective response aimed at teaching your child that acting out is not the way to meet his needs. Hahaha I love it how you keep saying 'use it on your friends.' 62. 92. Thanks for these great comebacks! Bring up why extending your curfew would actually be a good thing like it will make you happy so youll be more enjoyable to be around, it will help you develop your friendships more fully, and it will help you learn to handle more adult responsibility. It has a huge impact on the argument 's outcome that high horse youre on makes ass... Like to see things from your point of your own authority in the kitchen or in the gym unless... You end up losing the argument attempting to take care of business game character whose face loaded!, it is you need a toilet paper someone that you are bragging about yourself the. With parents on TikTok figures with your face caught on fire and somebody tried to it! 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good comebacks in an argument with parents