libreoffice basic programming guide pdf

Whereas the dialog functions are available in all LibreOffice documents, the full scope of the form functions are only available in text and spreadsheets. The functions resident in the old Application object for controlling the on-screen depiction of LibreOffice (for example, FullScreen, FunctionBarVisible, Height, Width, Top, Visible) are no longer used. All of the drawing objects that are described in the previous sections can also be rotated and sheared using the service. An event handler runs a predefined procedure when a particular action occurs. Most template types Draw templates are the exception have an automatic-update feature. This provides the methods for saving, exporting and printing documents. Both of these changes to the variable are global. LibreOffice Basic provides a whole range of methods for reading and writing files. When working with the Enumeration object, one special scenario should, however, be noted: it not only returns paragraphs, but also tables (strictly speaking, in LibreOffice Writer, a table is a special type of paragraph). Here are a few examples of Variant variables: The variables declared in the previous example can even be used for different variable types in the same program. The following example searches through all tables of a text document and applies the right-align format to all cells with numerical values by means of the corresponding paragraph property. The permissible values are defined in Before attempting to write macros you should read First Steps with Apache OpenOffice Basic and the pages on Apache OpenOffice Basic IDE. The more functions a ResultSet provides, the more complex its implementation usually is and therefore the slower the functions are. LibreOffice Basic provides the following test functions for this purpose: These functions are especially useful when querying user input. The control elements available in forms are similar to those of dialogs. The function ensures that the variable is actually assigned the correct value regardless of the country-specific settings. Visit Andrew Pitonyak's web page to get the latest PDF and ODT files of his book LibreOffice is a cross-platform, open source office suite. The insertCell method is used to insert cells into a sheet. return the number of pages, words, or characters of a text. If a ResultSet is a SCROLL_INSENSITIVE or SCROLL_SENSITIVE type, it supports a whole range of methods for navigation in the stock of data. The interface, which is responsible for saving documents. The service defines the following properties of a pages background: The page format is defined using the following properties of the service: The following example sets the page size of the "Default" page style to the DIN A5 landscape format (height 14.8 cm, width 21 cm): The service provides the following properties for adjusting page margins as well as borders and shadows: The following example sets the left and right-hand borders of the "Default" page style to 1 centimeter. Libreoffice basic programming guide pdf Anyone who is already familiar with LibreOffice Basic programming can find additional information in the Developer's Guide on LibreOffice Basic and LibreOffice programming. Note: Throughout this document, the LibreOffice installation directory is represented in syntax as install-dir. The XIndexAccess and XIndexContainer interfaces are used in objects which contain subordinate objects and which can be addressed using an index. The property has been virtually imitated from two methods. These event types can be divided into four groups: When you work with events, make sure that you create the associated dialog in the LibreOffice development environment and that it contains the required control elements or documents (if you apply the events to a form). As Basic makes automatic type conversions, there is usually no problems using a constant in an expression. Or this much simpler function can be used. Whereas an ODBC data source only covers information about the origin of the data, a data source in LibreOffice also includes a range of information about how the data is displayed within the database windows of LibreOffice. This detail may be of interest in particular to Java- or C++ programmers, since in these languages, the interface is needed to request a method. The example defines a procedure called Test that contains code that can be accessed from any point in the program. Some of the properties that this service provides are: The following example creates a rectangle with a solid border (LineStyle = SOLID) that is 5 millimeters thick (LineWidth) and 50 percent transparent. Since LibreOffice is a platform-independent application, it uses URL notation (which is independent of any operating system), as defined in the Internet Standard RFC 1738 for file names. Note: The second parameter specifies the text that is to be saved as a line of the text file. In the second instance, the integer variables are first converted into two strings and then linked with one another by means of the assignment. The language of LibreOffice Basic: Defines the elementary linguistic constructs, for example, for variable declarations, loops, and functions. The properties are provided by the service: The LibreOffice SearchSimilarity (or fuzzy match) function is also available in LibreOffice Basic. Charts are not treated as independent documents in LibreOffice, but as objects that are embedded in an existing document. There is also no limit to the number of drawing elements that you can add to a page. For Each loops do not use an explicit counter like a ForNext loop does. . VBA: Text frames are LibreOffice's counterpart to the position frame used in Word. Note: Since XML is based on standard text files, the resultant files are usually very large. The central methods are: All methods return a Boolean parameter which specifies whether the navigation was successful. Finally the code sets the Label property of the control element to the New Label value. If the True parameter is passed here, then insertControlCharacter replaces the current text. This can be compared with highlighting a point in the text using the mouse. You can also use the following style to declare an integer type variable: The Dim instruction can record several variable declarations: If you want to assign the variables to a permanent type, you must make separate assignments for each variable: If you do not declare the type for a variable, LibreOffice Basic assigns the variable a variant type. They provide a mechanism through which all subordinate elements of an objects can be passed, step by step, without having to use direct addressing. The values valid there can be found in the relevant VBA documentation. The 0 to 127 ASCII codes correspond to the alphabet and to common symbols (such as periods, parentheses, and commas), as well as some special screen and printer control codes. Warning: Each of these documents may contain several spreadsheets. VBA: In terms of its concept, SDBC is comparable with the ADO and DAO libraries available in VBA. The first section describes the structure of drawings, including the basic elements that contain drawings. The hasByName and getByName methods are obtained from the interface. VBA: When requested in LibreOffice Basic, the Dir function, using the parameter 16, only returns the sub-directories of a folder. As with classic variable assignment, the function in this example returns the value that was last assigned to it. Regardless of this, in some instances you will have to directly access the file system, search through directories or edit text files. As with the loadComponentFromURL method, some options can also be specified in the form of a PropertyValue data field using the storeAsURL method. Finally, LibreOffice provides a mechanism for forms based on databases. This is useful, for example, if the contents of different databases are displayed within one document, or if a 1:n database relationship is displayed within a form. LibreOffice Basic offers complete access to all LibreOffice functions, supports all functions, modifies document types, and provides options for creating personal dialog windows. Such array is declared without dimension, but may later be filled by an API function or with a Redim statement: You cannot assign a value to an empty array, since it does not contain any elements. This basically covers the loadComponentFromURL method, which is responsible for creating, importing, and opening documents. However, whether the corresponding settings are based on template or direct formatting in the text is still unclear. The counting variable of the loop therefore runs from 0 to getCount()-1. Unlike LibreOffice Basic identifiers, the names of control elements are case sensitive. For example, LibreOffice Basic only allows special characters in markers when using Option Compatible, since they can cause problems in international projects. The type declaration symbol for an integer variable is %. The following example shows how the rows of a table can be retrieved and formatted. VBA: Different terminology for spreadsheets and their content is used in VBA and LibreOffice Basic. The definition will then be available to all routines in the module. Additional information may be required. The #API often uses pre-defined structs, but these are UNO structs, a highly-specialized kind of struct. More information about working with styles can be found in the '''#Default values for character and paragraph properties''' section in #Text Documents. A TextCursor object is created using the createTextCursor call: The Cursor object created in this way supports the service, which in turn provides a whole range of methods for navigating within text documents. The syntax of such method calls is oriented towards classic functions. This guide provides an introduction to programming with LibreOffice Basic. Note: . If the document has already been assigned a URL and is not a read-only document, it is saved under the existing URL. The following control codes are available in LibreOffice: To insert the control codes, you need not only the cursor but also the associated text document objects. The following example shows how four lines of a mathematical expression can be linked: Note: However, as a result, the same character value can represent different characters in different languages. The LibreOffice documents provide the findFirst and findNext methods for this purpose: The example finds all matches in a loop and returns a TextRange object, which refers to the found text passage. Such CellRange objects are created using the getCellRangeByName call of the spreadsheet object: A colon (:) is used to specify a cell range in a spreadsheet document. Through these, you then have access to the subordinate objects. Each major type of LibreOffice document has its own associated template type. There is no direct counterpart in LibreOffice Basic for the Characters, Sentences and Words lists provided in VBA. There are numerous options for formatting cells, such as specifying the font type and size for text. Similar to saving, documents are printed out directly by means of the document object. The following example shows a double loop which passes over all paragraphs of a text document and the paragraph portions they contain and applies the replacement processes from the previous example: The example runs through a text document in a double loop. The Map AppFont (ma) replaces the Twips unit to achieve better platform independence. This allows numbers to be handled in a manner which more closely reflects machine architecture. ), comma (,) and dollar sign ($) characters. When using DBG_properties, note that the function returns all properties that the services offered by the object can theoretically support. Instead, the DoLoop is executed until a certain condition is met. Once the file is opened, the Print instruction can create the file contents, line by line: FileNo also stands for the file handle here. If you do have such collision, Basic may produce strange runtime error messages, or your Sub may not work. In VBA, the function also returns the names of the standard files so that further checking is needed to retrieve the directories only. Unlike most other programming languages, Basic performs type conversion automatically. This can be done using the createUnoService function: This call assigns to the Obj variable a reference to the newly created object. The simplest scenario is for the button to trigger a When Initiating event when it is clicked by a user. VBA: The page properties (page margins, borders, and so on) for a Microsoft Office document are defined by means of a PageSetup object at the Worksheet object (Excel) or Document object (Word) level. The Diagram object provides the following properties to access the axes: The axis objects of a LibreOffice chart support the service. LibreOffice Basic can be used by any LibreOffice user without any additional programs or aids. Each cell supports the and services, the main properties of which are described in #Text Documents. The active document object is accessed in LibreOffice through the StarDesktop.CurrentComponent property, or through ThisComponent. The Chr command is often used in Basic languages to insert control characters in a string. The control element can be reached using Event.Source and its model using Event.Source.Model. The first 128 characters of the ISO character set correspond to the ASCII character set. LibreOffice Basic provides the MsgBox and InputBox functions for basic user communication. They can be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics ( The interface provides a better method to create a new sheet: insertNewByName. If the center of a paragraph, for example, contains a word printed in bold, then it will be represented in LibreOffice by three paragraph portions: the portion before the bold type, then the word in bold, and finally the portion after the bold type, which is again depicted as normal. VBA: LibreOffice Basic does not provide code completion. In many instances, it is the case that a text is to be searched for a particular term and the corresponding point needs to be edited. An annotation field has the following properties. Instead, to simplify code maintenance and troubleshooting, you should create another procedure to serve as an entry point for event handling - even if it only executes a single call to the target procedure. The XNameContainer interface takes on the insertion, deletion and modification of subordinate elements in a basic object. Buy a printed copy. The forms created in this way provide all the functions of a full database front end without requiring independent programming work. You can use the computeFunction method to perform mathematical operations on cell ranges. Changes made to the variables are retained when the procedure or function is exited: In this example, the value A that is defined in the Test function is passed as a parameter to the ChangeValue function. A table is usually accessed in LibreOffice through the ResultSet object. However, the names are not case-sensitive. To keep the previous values, you must define the variable as Static: Note: The named _blank value for the Frame parameter ensures that LibreOffice creates a new window for every call from loadComponentFromURL. In the preceding example, if we replace the ChangeValue function then the superordinate variable A remains unaffected by this change. Regardless of the type of event, all objects provide access to the relevant control element and its model. VBA: Terminology differs from that used in VBA: In terms of scope of function, the Range object from VBA can be compared with the TextCursor object in LibreOffice and not as the name possibly suggests with the Range object in LibreOffice. Basic Guide - Computer Science and Engineering | Engineering Once the database connection has been established, the code used in the example first uses the Connection.createObject call to create a Statement object. This object allows you to directly access the content of a dialog or control element. Text frames are considered to be TextContent objects, just like tables and graphs. Bar charts ( support two X-axes, two Y-axes and one Z-axis. Only at run-time can you find out which properties or methods are available for an object. Basic languages are designed to be easy to use. If you are interested in only the mouse click, your macro should ignore all calls where PopupTrigger is TRUE. VBA: In VBA, RmDir produces an error message if a directory contains a file. In this example, variable A is a string, and variable B is an integer. Then you can use the "perpetual" Do Loop: The WhileWend loop construct works exactly the same as the Do WhileLoop, but with the disadvantage that there is no Exit command available. The values required (in the example, those from the CustomerNumber field) returns the ResultSet using the getString method, whereby the parameter 1 determines that the call relates to the values of the first column. The following explanations relate to working with text files (not text documents). As of LibreOffice Version 3.0, unlike variables, there is no way to make the definition accessible outside of the module. Set focus. LibreOffice provides various functions that allow you to change the justification of a text in a table cell. Date literals allow to specify unambiguous date variables that are independent from the current language. The LoadLibrary method performs this task. Multiple modules can be combined to a library. A Boolean value is saved internally as a two-byte integer value, where 0 corresponds to the False and any other value to True. The Open instruction used to open the file contains the For Input expression in place of the For Output expression and, rather than the Print command for writing data, the Line Input instruction should be used to read the data. In other words, the methods are assigned (as combinations) to the service in interfaces. getCount returns how many objects are available. To do so, the method of formatting individual table cells must be used. It passes through a complete document and formats the first word of every sentence in bold type. The color for the rear wall of the chart is set to white. VBA: The options provided in VBA for searching through directories specifically for files with the concealed, system file, archived, and volume name properties does not exist in LibreOffice Basic because the corresponding file system functions are not available on all operating systems. VBA: The VBA Click and Doubleclick events are not available in LibreOffice Basic. The basic functionality for the individual document objects is provided by the service. You must avoid having a marker of public scope with the same name as one of the modules of the library. If a decimal number is assigned to an integer variable, LibreOffice Basic rounds the figure up or down. Automatic optimization continues until the row is assigned an absolute height through the Height property. The queries are accessed by means of the QueryDefinitions method of the data source. This code determines the object for the MyButton control element and then initializes the Ctl object variable with a reference to the element. This returns an auxiliary object, which in turn provides the XEnumeration interface with the hasMoreElements and nextElement methods. You can access the individual sheets of a spreadsheet document through the Sheets list. The model object of a form button provides the following properties: Through the ButtonType property, you have the opportunity to define an action that is automatically performed when the button is pressed. creates both the C:\SubDir1\SubDir2 directory and the C:\SubDir1\SubDir2\SubDir3 directory. The lengths are specified in hundredths of a millimeter. The paragraph properties are available through the service. This includes the way in which file names are structured for LibreOffice documents, as well as the format in which files are saved. The Val function is different from the Csng, Cdbl and Cstr methods. Functions LBound() and UBound() return respectively the lowest permitted index value and the highest permitted index value of an array. When administering strings, LibreOffice Basic uses the set of Unicode characters. The TextCursor objects available in LibreOffice Basic should not, however, be confused with the visible cursor. Note: The method getByName() is mandatory, and should always be available. The LibreOffice Developer's Guide describes the LibreOffice API in more detail than this guide, but is primarily intended for Java and C++ programmers. LibreOffice Brno 2016 Conference Presentation What I'm Doing Now Now I'm writing a tutorial for LibreOffice Macros From the simplest "Hello World" Basic program running on Writer, Calc and Impress and compare their differences. The expression, is interpreted as 1.43 minus 2, which corresponds to the value -0.57. Since other pages of the Developer's Guide . In addition to this guide, you can get more information about objects from the following sources: the supportsService method, the debug methods as well as the Developer's Guide, and the API reference. In addition to single dimensional data fields, LibreOffice Basic also supports work with multi-dimensional data fields. And size for text which corresponds to the New Label value imitated from methods... The directories only sheet: insertNewByName working with text files so that further checking is needed to retrieve the only... Files so that further checking is needed to retrieve the directories only set to white the... Different terminology for spreadsheets and their content is used in Word files are saved,! Collision, Basic may produce strange runtime error messages, or your Sub may not.! Option Compatible, since they can cause problems in international projects on standard text files not! This document, the resultant files are usually very large, or characters of the files... 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libreoffice basic programming guide pdf