mena, arkansas barry seal house

The bodies were Kevin Ives, 17 years old and his friend, Don Henry, 16 years old. In other words: nothing to see here, move on. Patterson was being deposed in a legal suit filed against Buddy Young, the former head of Clintons security detail, and another man by Terry reed, who says he trained Contra pilots, under Seals supervision, at Nella, Arkansas. Before long, Seal was importing up to a thousand pounds of cocaine a month. The imperial positions of the Bush and Clinton clans exemplify this. Though the Clinton machine feared him the most, he showed no intention of breaking his silence until a chain of random events made it inevitable. However, once released, in 1882, 'Seal moved his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Mena' in Arkansas, where only 5,800 people lived (Peet 2002). Elections are fake, and this oneis no different. Former Clinton insiders such asLarry Nicholsattest to it. It was dark almost black, and had only the minimal tail markings necessary for civilian operation. 1983 - The CIA begin to smuggling drugs into Los Angeles. In recent months, Seth Rich, Joe Montano, Shawn Lucas, and John Ashe eachdied under suspicious circumstances. MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Mena, Arkansas, as his hub, according to several investigative reporters.Seal ultimately became a federal informant and was assassinated by Colombian hitman in 1986. War with Russia and Chinaare no longer unthinkable, but being planned in earnest. He made four trips to Nicaragua that year, allegedly to document the complicity in cocaine trafficking. In 1983, the DEA arrested him on drug smuggling charges. There would be no better way to do it than at Menas First National Bank. I think in the movie . . Is Donald Trump in any way a viable alternative to Bush-Clinton? I took the money and threw it in his lap, and said Are you running drugs? Jerry said that Vince had paid him $1,000 cash for each trip; he didnt know what they were doing, and he didnt care to know; he told me to forget what Id seen.. FITTON: Heavy Lifting Needed By Congress on Corruption! Beginnings The first rough airstrip was located south of the town on the McBride family's . Clinton also suggested that Brown study Russian, a suggestion Brown took seriously enough to begin making entries in his daybook in Cyrillic. That operation didn't go quite as planned for a number of reasons, including the fact that Cruise's character, the real-life and long-dead Barry Seal, was enlisted by the Medelln drug cartel. A pilot, Seal moved much of his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Rich Mountain Aviation at Mena Intermountain Airport . Highest recommendations. As part of the application process, Brown had written an essay: Marxist Influence in Central America. It involved Oliver North, Vice President and then President George Bush, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and others who became involved in covert activitiesMy CIA sources indicate that the profits from drug sales far exceeded what was needed for these [black] operations. Later Seal confirmed Browns suspicions: the palettes contained M-16s for the Contras. When a C-123K military cargo plane crashed in Nicaragua on October 5, 1986 with weapons and CIA employees on board, it was discovered that the plane and its contents came from the Mena airport. He said, according to Brown, Thats Lasaters deal, thats Lasaters deal.. The state really had next to nothing to do with it. And while Clinton would later correctly note that events at Mena were primarily a matter of federal jurisdictionmeaning that Republicans probably had more to lose than Democrats if the truth was exposedits also true that a Clinton friend and supporter named Dan Lasater was under investigation for drug smuggling at the same time Seal was operating in Arkansas. All were wearing jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. Bush and Oliver North. MENA NOIR: Aircraft pilot Barry Seal, a Baton Rouge native who smuggled drugs into the U.S. for the Medellin Cartel during the 1980s, used this airport in Me. You can trust him, but the network apparently yielded to White House pressure. The accounts of Barry Seal, Edward Cutolo, Albert Carone, Bradley Ayers, Tosh Plumley, Bill Tyree, Gunther Russbacher, Celerino Castillo, Michael Levine, Trenton Parker, Russell Bowen, Richard Brenneke,Larry Nichols, William Duncan, Russell Welch and dozens more implicate the Bushes, the Clintons and the CIA. The Clinton-createdArkansas Development and Financing Authorityengaged in money laundering on a mass scale. Browns role, after all, was quite limited. And George H.W. The distribution within the United States was handled by the Mafia. All the budget working groups, he was there, the economic working groups, the Cabinet meetings. (OBrien, who continues to speak out about her experience and CIA psychological operations, was allegedly rescued by former CIA operative Mark Phillips. The DEA go through Barry's house looking for evidence. George Herbert Walker Bush was one of the greatest architects of suffering the world has ever known. The absolute criminalization of military and intelligence agencies, and the corruption of entire governments, across all political parties. That's where Seal was shot to death while in his car.A movie titled \"Mena,\" starring Tom Cruise as Seal, is set to be released in early 2017. Brown says he never saw the bags again. Barry Seal knew them all. George is involved in all the national security stuff because of his special background as CIA director. Indeed, Clinton had taken an active role in helping Brown. Strange events unfolded at Mena, a small city in remote western Arkansas, in the 1980s. New names, new banks, new drugs, new wars, same blueprint. Then both men got into the front set of the car, and Seal reached into the duffel bag, and pulled out a manila envelope with $2,500 in it. He was defended in this connection by Richard Ben-Veniste . In truth,Hillary Clintonisa right-wing conspiracy. Walker said a huge dark-green military plane was parked there, and that when he expressed surprise at seeing a military plane at Mena, Clinton said it was not military; it served another purpose. He also says he told Seal he wanted no part of what was happening; then he left. Shortly after Jerry Parks murder, Parks wife related one instance to the London Telegraph. So when you read about Barry Seal or Kevin Ives and Don Henry (two teens apparently killed because they knew about drug deals), the charges are partly true but mostly unconnected. The resistance must therefore be expressed by other means. Leader of Ukraines Neo-Nazi Party SvobodaOleh Tyahnybok(Left) with Victoria Nuland, Former PM of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk. . L to R - Barry Seal, Mena Airport (Map), Mena Airport (Image) [CIA asset Barry Seal, abandoned by the Agency, was assassinated in February 1986, reportedly by the Medellin cartel, outside a . The 2007 financial collapse by the outgoing Bush-Cheney administration and its banksters not secured major loot for the Bush syndicate, but ensured that Obama would be saddled with a weak economy. Barry Seal's death was ordered by Pablo Escobar, the head of the dreaded Medellin Cartel. This kind of clever and successful charade was what the Obama campaign was about in 2008 and again in 2012. Judicial Watch Sues Air Force Academy for Records about Critical Race Theor DOJ & FBI Target Biden Political Opponents, Judicial Watch Warns: Critical Race Theory Rising. Seal, he says, laughed, and told Brown that all he had wanted him to do was sit back for the ride. Then he gave Brown an envelope with $2,500 in cash not marked money, not banded money, just twenties, fifties, mostly twenties, used money, like you just went out and spent.. Seal, a pilot, moved much of his smuggling operation from Baton Rouge to Rich Mountain Aviation at the Mena Intermountain Airport, according to the May 1986 FBI memo. Mena became famous in the 1980s for the arms and drugs shipping through this western Arkansas airport by the CIA and other government agencies. As early as 1982, his firm had been censured by the Arkansas security commissioner for cheating customers. Under the disguise of an "aircraft refurbishing center", Mena was an arms and drug smuggling ring working for President Ronald Reagan's Contra war against the Sandinistas. Seal was one of the central operatives, whose CIA career and work in Mena are detailed in Daniel Hopsicker's Barry & The Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History. Back at Mena, Brown says, he told Seal he had thought they were going to fly in a plane similar to the ones he had been on with the Governor. The Seals move to Mena, AR. Clinton had been asking him a similar question for months, ever since, with Clintons encouragement, he had applied for a job with the CIA. This leaves Hillary Clinton, who has aggressively sought the worlds highest public office for her entire life. The major traffic point was Mena, Arkansas, where the weapons production and training of Contras took place, and where shipment of guns and trained Contras originated. Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. As suggested by probes into Clintons emails, and evidence from Wikileaks, the Hillary Clinton State Department ran foreign policy as its own shadow government apparatus, likely beyond the control of Obama, and engaged in illegal activities over all objections from the Obama faction. Investigators are examining allegations of an international conspiracy involving gun running, cocaine smuggling and the illegal supply network serving the Nicaraguan contra rebels. Before he was killed, Seal provided Tatum a list of Iran-Contra Boss Hogs who controlled the drug trade. ), and on and on. As I said in my review of . Bush created new structures (special situation group, terror incident working group etc.) Treason? According to a DailyMail report, Haynes bought his supply from Barry Seal, a Louisiana smuggler for the Medellin Cartel who operated out of Mena Airport. Barry Seal was arrested on December 10, 1979 for smuggling Colombian cocaine. And move on, the world did. Thus, the George H.W. White Kendall, approached ABC, As Time reported, Kendall was working very, very hard to keep Whitewater out of the headlines. Meanwhile, Betsey Wright, a Clinton political fixer, told ABC that Brown was a pathological liar, even though his personnel file in Arkansas abounded with recommendations some from Clinton, and even one from Dr. Joycelyn Elders. : Then the plane dropped to what Brown calls an altitude a hell of a lot lower than what youd think youd fly. He suspected Seal was trying to evade radar. It all started in 1984 when Congress cut off funding for the Nicaraguan resistance. The narcotics runner, Barry Seal, allegedly paid off then-Governor Clintons protg, L. D. Brown, and one Dan Lasater, a Clinton contributor. The interview with Brown, in which he had spoken only about Hale and not about Mena, was killed. In the meantime, we are receiving media queries on Mena, most recently from Michael Isikoff of Newsweek n 18 July. That would come from Bill Clinton, then Governor. In 1994, Brown told Daniel Wattenberg of The American Spectator that Jim Guy Tucker, then the Arkansas governor had asked him and trooper Larry Patterson for compromising information on Clintons private life in 1990, when Tucker was contemplating a race for governor. It is believed that Seal was subsequently murdered by the Medellin Cartel, on the order of Oliver North and the Bushes, to prevent him from testifying about his activities. Judicial Watch Victories: Courts Declare California Quota Laws Unconstituti BEST OF: Top Anti-Corruption Victories in 2022. MENA -- They're tired of Barry Seal in Mena. First, the terrible grammar and typos should be a clear indication that the author is an uneducated, conspiracy theorist. Seal agreed to have hidden cameras installed on the plane. When Wattenberg reported this, an angry Tucker retaliated against Brown by demoting him from white-collar investigations to highway patrol. The discussion about whether or not Clinton followed correct security procedures is a red herring and distraction: Hillary Clinton ran her own secret foreign policy cell, with her own communications network. Key operatives in Iran-Contra were George Bush, Oliver North, Dewey Clarridge, John Pointdexter and Caspar Weinberger. "Barry Seal later introduced me to a politician drug dealer from Arkansas," the DailyMail reports Haynes said. ___ This suggests that George H.W.Bush (who prior to his appointment as Vice President headed the CIA) not only ran Iran-Contra, but much of the Reagan presidency. When he was caught and convicted for his crimes, he became an informant for the DEA and testified in several major drug trials. Barry Seal with his Wife Deborah DeBois and their kids. Steal $20 Mil in U.S. COVID Relief Funds. Then-White House press secretary James Baker said in 1981, Bush is functioning much like a co-president. In March of that year, Seal struck a deal with the Justice Department and the DEA to work under cover. In 1981, Seal set up shop at Mena. It would focus the glare of the media spotlight on not only the Colombian Medellin Cartel, but also on the FBI and CIA as well as such political icons as then-Vice President George H.W. The Pegasus Filesummaries Tatums activities, and features the Boss Hog list. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined, and its dissenters are silenced, not praised. (i.e. The other is not trustworthy and may be compromised. Residents reported small, low-flying airplanes coming in at slow speeds over the tracks in the middle of the night with their lights off just prior to revving up and flying away. It was so full I had to sit on the trunk [boot] to get it shut again. There would be no Clinton dynasty without the Iran-Contra. Ultimately, we may find out, as Brown tells us that he has been repeatedly questioned by lawyers working for the Whitewater independent counsel about Clintons association with Lasater at a time when illicit drugs allegedly were flowing into Mena airport. Reprints and media inquiries: [emailprotected]. Not by the United States government. A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all the things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done. It is not a deep state or a shadow state but a Criminal State that operates in broad daylight. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; Why arent these pilots who flew trafficked minors arrested and charged? Trump must continue to deliver on this promise. To quote [former CIA director] William Casey it is a completely self-funding, off-the-shelf operation. It, in fact, dictates a substantial portion of this countrys foreign, economic and military policy from a place not accessible to the will of a free people properly armed with facts.. But when he asked his brother, Whos pushing this his brother, Dwayne Brown says, nodded over towards the Governors Mansion. From then on, until he left Clintons security detail in June, Dwayne Brown says, his brother was at a high level of despair. He says he had feared he might be suicidal. The Mena, Arkansas Airport. Other drugs, she and others say, are stuffed into chickens for shipping around the country. Judicial Watch: Fighting for Clean Elections. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. One passage discusses the deductibility of charitable donations, and another the length of residency required in Washington before tax liability is incurred. She was an experienced writer and had prepared for the legal review. Mourn the thousand points of light that he snuffed out. Iran-Contras whistleblowers, and investigators (many of whom are mentioned above) have been threatened, discredited, kidnapped, jailed, and some, such as Barry Seal, murdered. He suspected a CIA involvement, although his brother did not confirm it. No of Kids with Barry: Dean, Aaron, and Christina Seal. Big Tech Protected Joe Biden o BEST OF: Big Tech Censorship EXPOSED! George H.W. Iran-Contra itself is a euphemism for the outrageous fraud perpetrated by government criminals for profit and control. Evidence emerged suggesting that the CIA was operating in the area in the early 1980s; that a major cocaine and gun smuggler was based at the airfield; and that the U.S. military was somehow involved. The alternative funds would be in the form of drugs for weapons. 14 - Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas , airport drug smuggling case. Third, since the author lies about where the boys were found, his other sweeping accusations against Bill Clinton and his evil, criminal ways are totally unbelievable. He was married three times throughout his life. Trooper Bobby Walker has told me that sometime in the mid-1980s he was at Mena with Clinton. Trump takes issue with the course of the current war, and supports negotiations with Russia. But Trump is a businessman. It is autonomous and it operates through self-funding via narcotics and weapons trafficking. The Judicial Watch lawsuit seeks the report of a November 1996 CIA investigation into drug running, money laundering and intelligence gathering at Mena. Barry Seal flew C-123 military cargo planes filled with cocaine into Mena, Arkansas as part of the Iran-Contra affair. They were night hunting for deer in Bryant. is above the law! He identified him as Capt. [Posted 13 November 2002] Just before Labor Day 2002, I was on the road to Texas. These include former Secret Service AgentGary Byrneand many others. Some facts, however, are indisputable. Tucked away in the western part of Arkansas is a little town known as Mena. In spite of the evidence, every investigator who has tried to expose the crimes of Mena has been professionally destroyed. Among her closest friends and allies are Henry Kissinger, John McCain, and the Bushes, with Daddy Bush as her godfather. This is the story that couldn't be suppressed. Bush and Bill Clinton planned to pass the White House between the two of them, and between their respective political clans, thereby maintaining the New World Order for the long term. They are the Swamp. Below is author Larry Chins September 2016 article together with a historical perspective and update. Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- Noom: Allform: to get 20% off- ExpressVPN: and use code LexPod to get 3 months free- Four Sigmatic: and use code LexPod to get up to 60% off- Eight Sleep: and use code LEX to get special savingsGUEST BIO:Roger Reaves is one of the most prolific drug smugglers in history.PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Podcasts: episodes playlist: playlist: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Medium: Reddit: Support on Patreon: In another deposition in the Reed case, Russell Welch, an Arkansas state police investigator who has looked extensively at Mena, says that Young asked him in 1992 if Clintons name had ever come up in connection with Mena. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hillary Clinton was also a key player. Use ofelectronic ear transceivers to help cheat during debates. Creating Epstein: Bill Barr Leslie Wexner & the CIA, Bonnie's Clyde: The True Story of Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell, Revisiting Mena, Bill Clinton, the CIA & Barry Seal. Lucy takes the kids to Baton Rouge. Became a DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) informant after he was convicted of smuggling charges. Browns break with Clinton came after Brown made what he says was his second flight from Mena to Central America. In the 1980s the smallairportin Arkansas known as Mena became part of the largest covert operation in history. Cocaine was obtained from Colombia and moved to Panama where it was protected by Panamanian defense forces. Two years later, he would be shot dead in Louisiana. Elections are rigged. Will they understand? Follow him on Twitter @micah_morrison. He is a corporatist who opposes banking and campaign finance reforms, who praised the Supreme Court ruling in theCitizens Unitedcase that made corporations people. But even the most fervent and delusional Obama fans today know and feel that it was a fraud. Seal's activities and associations at the Mena Intermountain Regional Airport in western Arkansas are now the subject of seven official investigations. The Clintons have gone to great lengths, (e.g Vince Foster), to maintain their cover-up of their CIA Arkansas operation. The hundreds of millions in profits generated by the Seal trafficking via Mena and other outposts resulted in extraordinary banking and business practices in apparent efforts to launder or disperse the vast amounts of illicit money in Arkansas and elsewhere. . Now over two years later, its case remains intact. Linda Ives, Kevins mother became suspicious of the boys deaths with all of these rumors. As for Mena, Arkansas, it was home to Operation Black Eagle, the most massive covert operation in US history. A month before that, the Southwest personnel representative for the CIA, Ken Cargile, in a letter to Brown, wrote that I am pleased to nominate you for employment with the Central Intelligence Agency. Another entry in Browns daybook indicates that he had met with another CIA representative only a few days before that. Sharlene Wilson was another key figure at Mena. This, even as the passage of time, increasingly available evidence, and the damning testimonies of his own former operatives have amply placed him as Iran-Contras boss. corporate personhood). This is a virtual certainty, barring a total revolution that sees all members of the New World Order removed from power and punished, the CIA and other criminal entities shut down, an international cease fire, and an end to all wars. No one responded when she asked if the newly arisen concerns might be political., In the Arkansas Times article, Leveritt pinned her hopes on the new Cruise movie, which opened in 2017 to good reviews. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights })(); Their deaths at the time were ruled accidental byClinton-appointed state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak. (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. Mena, Arkansas was the key transit points for cocaine coming into the United States from Central America, and weapons going the other way. A US Senate subcommittee in 1989 called the available evidence about Mena sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges. operative extraordinaire is hardly a familiar name in American politics. The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed byGeorge Herbert Walker Bush,are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign with blatant fraud. In February 1986, Seal was killed outside the . These included Oliver North, Ted Shackley, Edwin Wilson, Felix Rodriguez, and others. Hundreds of insiders, witnesses and investigators have blown the lid off of the Iran-Contra Enterprise in exhaustive fashion. An elaborate cover-up continues to attempt to deny the fact that Clinton has beengravely illfor many years, likely suffering from likelyneurological damage, possibly Parkinsons disease (unconfirmed) , and a host of other problems. The concern was not the missing $400,000, but the missing transmitter that was in the case with the money. It chronicles Barry Seal's career in the CIA from the 1960s (recruited by David Ferrie, a participant in the assassination of JFK), to his smuggling of large amounts of cocaine (through the Mena, Arkansas airport) that helped fund the "Contra" war of the 1980s. Using my iPhone, I shot this video of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on July 22, 2016. She is a racist and a pathological liar. Comeon, you seriously gonna say this is all coincidental? It was easy to load drugs on the planes that returned to the U.S. after delivering weapons to the Contras. When ABC News interviewed Brown in the fall of 1994, the White House tried to malign him. InGeorge Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Webster Tarpley wrote that, many once-classified documents have come to light, which suggest that Bush organized and supervised many, or most, of the criminal aspects of the Iran-Contra adventures., Tarpley further points out that George H.W. Paid seat fillersto fillempty venuesto create the appearance of a huge crowd. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! At the time Seals flights took place, Lasater was contributing to Clintons political campaigns. As a result of that arrest, Barry Seal will "get with the program" and move his smuggling activities up to Mena Arkansas. An investigative report into a scandal that haunts the reputations. Foster himself, was a partner with Hillary in the Rose Law firm. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; But the feds scraped a five year probe of Mena and interfered in local investigations The state police were taken off the case. When I got back from that first trip he knew I had been out doing something, Brown insists. I get so sick of reading these totally false stories against the Clintons. The testimony reveals a scheme whereby massive amounts of cocaine were smuggled into the State of Arkansas.. George Herbert Walker Bush, his family, and his legion of associates do not merely epitomize the Swamp. The book was killed at the last minute. Too many secrets have been kept for too long, she wrote, too much important history has been hidden, lost or destroyed. Sally Denton and Roger Morris A longtime supporter of Linda Ives, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, of The London Sunday Telegraph expresses his thoughts about The Washington Post pulling "The Crimes of Mena" story at the last minute. He was a gunrunner to Cuba, and a veteran of the Bay of Pigs. These are the equivalent of Barry Seal in the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell covert operation. Seemingly panicked, the White House mistakenly presumed that Brown was talking to ABC News about his involvement with Mena when he was actually discussing Whitewater. Drugs into Los Angeles was sit back for the ride say, stuffed. 1980S for the Nicaraguan resistance course of the Bay of Pigs the supply! 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mena, arkansas barry seal house