bantu semitic language

We did not know death until the Vikings brought their devastation. The case with Nilo-Saharan is even more stark. The total number of Bantu languages is uncertain. It was a typo. Comparativist heaven. Ive seen plenty of papers that took horribly outdated trees from the literature, spliced them together in unsupportable ways, and used that. Akkadian, Aramaic: nnu, nuna (Also, thanks DM for an informative discussion that makes me aware of some gaps in my knowledge of phylogenetics; any good recent introductions youd recommend?). and it became weird agian. Much of the Leiden Schools work rests on interpreting *h as []. AFAIK, for an idea of what long-range stuff looks like when you cant rely on morphology, look at Sino-Tibetan almost no morphology over there (most of the languages are isolating [EDIT: on the Sinitic side, anyway, apparently less so in the rest of it]), but its fairly well accepted that the relevant languages are in fact related, and work is actively ongoing on the reconstructions. Head-and-shoulder portrait of Adam Smith: INVISIBLE HAND). But this should not be an issue now. ninth century) and Aramaic (ca. [After all, the list was drawn up to work for European languages, so it ought not to give bizarre results for English.]. Then theres an interesting idea I once saw somewhere on, that Proto-Semitic was spoken in the Rub al-Khali before it dried out, and East Semitic spread north while West Semitic spread in a semicircle along the coast of Arabia Its not possible to disprove that they are related to Basque, either. I dont believe that until somebody tries. I had believed that ur- as meaning ancient or prototypical was a recent coinage as archaeologists came to recognize Ur as the earliest and prototypical city. In some varieties of colloquial Latin American Spanish, I am not sure if pescado wouldnt be substituted in all of your examples. Its striking how few African names show up in the footnotes of African linguistics papers, even in works published in 2016. More specifically, Chilean Cachai? Present status of many groups is uncertain, and you can never prove absence of a link anyway. Usually an outgrouplanguage or languages is included, and its remoteness on the tree is an indicator of its non-relatedness In most of human history though, the draw of oceanic coasts that they have over freshwater environments has not been fishing, but seal and seabird hunting. Ordinary WOV speakers are well aware that their various languages are quite similar, especially over against neighbouring non-WOV languages, but like normal non-Hatters in general tend not to wonder about the implications of this. But even more positive assessments may have trouble with Dogon (see below).. The closest things to reconstructions of Proto-Sino-Tibetan are matters of Ruhlen-style eyeballing, with the exception of one properly done reconstruction that is based on only four languages and therefore misses a lot. If you had two completely isolating languages where most of the lexemes could be shown to match according to regular sound changes it would be reasonable to conclude that they were genetically related, so long as there were good reasons to exclude creolisation or massive borrowing as the explanation; even then, you would be entirely justified in saying that the relationship was not mere chance. *ramc people). Megachadic is probably going too far in the opposite direction . Oh yes. the most breathtakingly groundbreaking papers on ecology, evolution or genetics still get into Nature). An odd thing about Swadesh lists (and broader lexical comparison) in Oti-Volta is that there is very noticeably more agreement among nouns than verbs. Blench seems to imagine that phylogenetic methods cant deal with any amount of homoplasy in datasets. Then there is polysemy of fish. Thats certainly an interesting paper about an interesting set of sites. Gk. Those are not counted there. The classification of Kujarg within Afroasiatic is not agreed upon. No it hasnt (And what is a basal lineage in historical linguistic terms, anyway? Of course there are other issues, e.g. The trick to make sure the noise is random enough for this to work is to make sure you arent really including the same character twice in different wordings (or, as Ive seen happen, seven times); with morphological data, that can be quite difficult (ultimately it requires more understanding of development genetics than we currently have), and with lexical data, its a failure of peer review in the original PIE is old enough for Renfrew paper. ), Kordofanian is again, not a unity, and only parts of it still seem to be in contention for a relationship to Volta-Congo these days. He just likes to think of the Dogon languages as all part of the family (I like the idea myself, on that level. since Ive seen a tree based only on rRNA. It is exciting evidence of prehistoric interplanetary contact! pull < ME to pluck apparently ~ Low German pulen to shell, husk, while ziehen < PG *teuha- has no well-known ModE cognate; or throw < OE to twist, turn (transitivity??) Actually, if agriculture reached North Africa as part of the same expansion out of Anatolia that brought agriculture to Europe, and AA reached it later in a pastoral expansion, that would explain why some of the agricultural-substrate words in western Indo-European branches also show up in Berber. Understanding Meroitic would give us something like Latin or Sanskrit. DE is an exception, but in this case learning a foreign language did help, I think (thats why I thought about an African working with somethign like Hani). You might find the frozen rabbit alongside frozen whole squid, rattlesnake, or maybe even goosebut not more conventional poultry like chicken or turkey (or probably even duck). In Modern English, out of 18 verbs in the 100 Swadesh list, two are Norse borrowings (die, kill), and one is a semantic usurpation (walk). ", Well, lexically it's strikingly close to Berber, but orders of magnitude more diverse, and the inherited complex morphology seems to get restructured as you go south, so my guess would be 2; but it can only be a guess. I may have to ask for my money back. lexical evidence is the main basis. Anyway, keep safe is maybe better. The comment on Pre-Sumerian substratum made my eyebrow go up. Lexilogos (French) And he has a real researchers gift of coming up with new interesting questions to look into. He also suggests a relation to Proto-West Germanic *-astrij.[1]. hedgehog, Danish pindsvin, Norvegian piggsvin Faroese tindasvn, Icelandic broddgltur (hedge, pin, pike, tine, brod), West Frisian ychelbaarch hedgehog pig, Swedish, Icelandic igelkott, igulkttur (Wiktionary explains the first part as Old Norse sea urchin, but it is the germanic root for hedgehog. ), Theyre so intimidating that I never dared look inside! : ? Thats merely an argument against exclusively using lexical data. By the 1860s, the main constituent elements within the broader Afroasiatic family had been worked out. Contact!!! But you do come across things like pescado espada or pescado payaso. By far the most widely spoken Afroasiatic language or dialect continuum is Arabic. The Migration Period vandalized the West Germanic tree pretty thoroughly. Sheep can be reconstructed for Proto-Oti-Volta without much trouble, and the etymon seems to be shared with Grusi (making it Gur, at least), but it doesnt seem to go any further back. The latter are the weaker. Language Miniatures Maybe one tribe would have conquered the Plains and imposed its language, resulting in linguistic uniformity similar to demic diffusion. A Dictionary of Tocharian B (with etymologies) A de facto group of distinct language varieties within the Semitic branch, the languages that evolved from Proto-Arabic have around 313 million native speakers, concentrated primarily in the Middle East and North Africa. An interesting feature of this Old South Arabian script is that the order of its letters departs from that of Phoenician and the consonantal script of Ugarit. Indeed, its not a bad way to go if you can convince yourself at an early stage that the subgroups are conservative. Wikipedia rather describes them as Cossack nobility under construction. There is no similarity between Arabic languages( languages of Assyrian and Babylonians) which are called hebrew by some people with bantu languages Incidentally, Blenchs snark that splitters are not interested in actual historical linguistics is outright wrong. This is the most typical pattern, where languages within the core of an area may share many features, but the geographical extent of the individual traits may vary considerably one from another. So perhaps we should say that Blenchs classification is not so much wrong as un-useful; it leads us to draw conclusions that we are not actually entitled to draw. Overall progression thus involves an evolution in construction types. I was reminded about the subthread above about pez/pescado as terms for fish, when reading an article about replenishing (slow reproducing) sharks by cultivating viable egg cases: Unlike in Malta, Valencias fish market doesnt offer whole sharks for sale to scour for egg cases; by the time they make it to the market, sharks are nothing but a piece of white fish, or a swordfish look-alike. For one thing, he loves to declassify langauges:)). Carp can reach 100 pounds , catfish can surpass 600 pounds (the Mekong catfish), and the largest sturgeon weighed more than a ton and a half. Constituent ordering is followed by grammatical marking of verbargument relations, around the same time or somewhat before inflectional marking of grammatical agreement. On the other hand, the genome analysis of the KEB population suggests that it can be modeled as a mixture of IAM and Anatolian/European Neolithic, and it also presents a lower sub-Saharan component than IAM or Tarofalt. Afroasiatic languages have over 500 million native speakers, which is the fourth largest number of native speakers of any language family (after Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan and NigerCongo). The second edition (corrected by readers) of 1782: Stachel-Schwein, hystrix, . If what I see in his works is so much different from what people say about them, it tells something about these people, not him. eighth century) writing systems (the Hebrew language began to be written with the Aramaic script during the sixth century BC, although the Samaritan sect continued to use the old Hebrew letters, and continues its liturgical use to the present day). Figure 5. One interesting thing (of many) is that Melchert says the Hittite mediopassives without -r have lost it, because -r was lost word-finally after unaccented vowels, but it was preserved before -i and sometimes restored by analogy elsewhere (so my implication that the -ri was kinda optional from the beginning is invalid. While the author is not afraid of long-range hypotheses generally, he had earlier tried to tentatively and distantly connect it to Khoisan, which is one of his areas of greatest expertise; but apparently the Khoisan-like features of Hadza have to be blamed on some sort of contact, and there are very few potential lexical matches among them. (Why the problem has not been enunciated more clearly and confronted systematically is also rather difficult to understand, but need not divert us here. Proto-Bantu didnt have it. As I said somewhere, showing that the plural morpheme /-s/ in Foovian is cognate to the plural morpheme /-j/ in Barvian is equivalent to showing that all of the ten thousand names (okay, nouns) in one language are related by a sound-law to their cognates in the other without having to laboriously go through them all. It does make a contact explanation for the rise of gender in Southern Nilotic seem a little more tempting. Southern Cushitic also has a voiceless lateral, #-, in the same C slot (Ehret 1987:80). I think a lot of the comparative (sorry) backwardness of comparative work with African languages boils down to the fact that only a handful of people are actually interested in doing it at all, and that some of those, even, are more enthusiastic than careful. Linguists typically argue in favor of abstract representations for language, but many recent approaches to language within the cognitive science framework have stressed the importance of surface forms. If you have to cherry-pick your phylum, this does not seem to be a very scientific procedure. I didnt think it had ever not been accepted. @John Cowan: Somethings missing between bosque and < Old Occ barriga belly. J )#E~&'L)+%_ s5wA?lMEz_Z8)|je-~`d/&tEPyYL VVU\?%C FB9M'DWwsY]S|"+-z^I}y~O$j=J78",>[QT9V2&[F]ZB>!T7M_ y)ir~sg'&On^cNt#'x. If the expected correlations among these constructions are not taken into account, one might be tempted to count each one of these word orders in different constructions as a separate shared areal trait and their presence in Ethiopian Semitic languages might seem to reflect several different diffused traits (SOV counted as one, NounPostposition as another, and so on), and they could be taken as several independent pieces of evidence defining a linguistic area. -er. Precisely the opposite. In fact, in some instances, like derived nominals or the high-register Latinate lexicon of English, children will master derivational processes only well into school age. Interesting! was evidently oversimplifying the matter, but not crudely. I would be happy to be proved wrong, however. It is we that labor to provide them with food, shelter, and unearned pleasure: Consider the cats of the house: they toil not, neither do they spin. (Matt 6:28). and object. Old English/Old High German r, Old Norse r). Other pages dont have this pattern (which indeed makes the text unreadable). The Hieroglyphic Luwian sign tracked *h amazingly closely for the first few centuries.). Its not as crude as early lexicostatistics. Textbooks are not a good guide in this area. And there seems to be a slow ongoing flow of new primary evidence inscriptions certainly, but even paper seems possible given the paleo-climate. Yes: this is a combination of whataboutery, a remarkable misrepresentation of the actual activities of some notorious splitters, and (worst of all) a surprising failure to grasp the relevance of demonstrating contact phenomena and mapping typology when it comes to avoiding mistaken conclusions about genetic relationships. Our IE database includes only two WGmc languages, OE and OHG, and they are at the extremes of the WGmc group. Its a heated overstatement about the authors perceived opponents.. No, it is exciting evidence of common roots of the two species! Now if I and a Martian both say okh blya! when we hurt a toe, is this trivial or interesting? Large freshwater fish: the Chinese paddlefish in the Yangtze, now extinct, often weighed 500 pound and the champion fish may have weighed more than a ton. The native word icne salmon in middle Irish Population sizes within the region started diverging 1520 kya, when Levantines expanded while Arabians maintained smaller populations that derived ancestry from local hunter-gatherers. Despite this, Greenbergs classification remains a starting point for modern work of many languages spoken in Africa, and the Hamitic category (and its extension to Nilo-Hamitic) has no part in this. The thing is that Tolkien fans exactly cultivated a distinctive manner of speaking among themselves. PIE *VsrV > PGmc *VstrV, He places Ongota in South Omotic. Nobody is claiming that failing to reconstruct morphology is an absolute bar to demonstrating a genetic relationship. Geez 7 mouth is particularly suspicious. A number of famous names come to mind when thinking of creolists from Africa or of African descent, and they surely were initially moved to take an interest in such things by their own linguistic experience. Arak-29 (Armenian links) I feel I should make a small defence of computers, along the lines of Garbage-in Garbage-out. Glottolog does not accept that the inclusion or even unity of Omotic has been established, nor that of Ongota or the unclassified Kujarge. Erich Neu argued in his seminal Das hethitische Mediopassiv und seine indogermanischen Grundlagen, where he analysed how the r-endings spread during the attested history of Hittite texts and how that pathway differed from those in Italic and Celtic. Unfortunately, the WOV languages are actually all pretty similar when measured on a Swadesh-100 metric, so its something of an explanation in search of a problem. (Respect for my elders inhibits me from giving specific examples.). This would have required access to a different root, that is, the root /v/, which is used in the formation of the singular forms of the present tense of the verb. Not so: morphology is not the sole evidence. The worst error you can make in phylogenetics in biology is to score identical things as different because they could be convergent. In my limited experience, pez/peces in Latin America is used in the same context as fishes in English, that is, in technical texts on ichthyology or fisheries or such. (This is not just some cranky-amateur individual opinion of my own: the communis opinio has been changing on this for a while now.). I have this comment by Hans in mind: That said, I seem to remember that the idea that Semitic originated in Ethiopia and spread from there to Asia (propagated by Roger Blench?) I apologise to his win. So perhaps its not so semantically odd after all. Though I wouldnt object to having Spanish Spanish voseo as an alternative to whatever the Ustedes version is called, I am in Europe after all and I do have plans to visit Spain much before going back to Latin America. Took horribly outdated trees from the literature, spliced them together in unsupportable ways, and used that what! Still get into Nature ) of many groups is uncertain, and you can convince yourself at early! Seems possible given the paleo-climate defence of computers, along the lines of Garbage-in Garbage-out guide in this area still! Occ barriga belly inscriptions certainly, but not crudely WGmc languages, OE and OHG, and used.. Phylogenetic methods cant deal with any amount of homoplasy in datasets questions look! 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