estate bank account canada

My brother convinced the lawyer he was paying the bills, when in fact he was taking the money I put into the bill paying account, as the bills were paid automatically. I am the sole executrix named in his will. Learn more here about here about Estate accounting and the right to receive accounts Executors must account for the estate, and beneficiaries are entitled to receive, review, and challenge the accounts including any compensation claimed by the executor. She did have a will but unfortunately it was not signed. I have Mom's taxes done for this year. What is your question? Perhaps you should go to another bank.Lynne, Hi Lynne, my husband recently passed. The financial obligations of an estate do not "come to" an executor personally. My father passed away in June. In determining the level of risk, they should take into account that there is a will and it leaves everything to your mother. It's a downfall in our system, but that is the system we have.Let's hope your brother is standing right in the middle of the road when the karma bus comes barreling along.Lynne. I received a letter to say that Mom didn't qualify for the Canada Pension Death Benefit as she didn't pay in for enough years. This is what the law says you are supposed to do. If there is not enough and you have to take funds out of the sale of the house, then you have a couple of choices. The estate is valued under 20000 dollars so we are not applying for probate. As of today's date the bank has yet to release the funds and they keep asking for such things as my identification etc., which was I had given them already. What do I need to do to prove that I am the only beneficiary?thanks. Thank you for your answer! A cheque was released to to each person on title for a project (including my grandmother whom they knew was deceased) . They are doing the right thing and you are ignoring how your father in law had things set up.Lynne. While I can understand banks protecting themselves by not allowing withdrawals - I can't wrap my head around changing the interpretation of these tax slips? Use your account to receive deposits and your debit card to make everyday business purchases. No, you will not be able to open a bank account for the estate because you have no legal right to handle the estate assets. How can he sign papers, cheques if he is not physically able to do so? She has money due to her from the other UK source, but when I asked for the overseas sort code for her account I was told the deposit wouldn't be accepted because the account is not yet an estate account.Mylawyer tells me TD is even worse to deal with re estates, bottom line is check with a bank about their estate account policies before you have a bureaucratic nightmare on your hands. Someone at the bank is a bit too enthusiastic and I'm sure they are trying to help, but they are giving you wrong advice. Utter incompetence on their part considering they should have informed me of this long ago. My sister agrees that my father intended the investment account was to be shared equally between my sister and me. In my experience, none of the banks are very good at handling estates. He had a will.. but i have a tax refund cheque payable to the estate of xxxxx. Prior to Mom passing away I went to the Mom's bank and spoke to a representative who had me sign a doc so that it would be on file that I had her Enduring Power of Attorney. No, no, no.It is absolutely NOT up to them to decide that something was done too close to your mother's death! My sister was sole executor for my dads will two years ago with all three adult children as equal beneficiaries. No, there is no time limit specified anywhere. (It's possible to open up a separate trust account for a single estate so that interest can be earned but this seems like a lot of work when the bank can just do that for you directly).Bottom line is that for most clients most of the time, using a bank account directly is the best choice. Thank you. Sadly, the tax reporting becomes a major burden for the executor because of the financial institutions intractability. I need to know the balance, and I can't get it. The lawyer suggested it might be more efficient to use the law firm's trust accounts. Thank you. The will states she was leaving everything (her house, bank accounts and investments ) to my mom and appointing me as executor. My 29year old son died suddenly. When my husband left , he said they did not care, they were not there to help, they would not listen and talked over him.Needless to say, no estate account was opened. My sister and I are both trustees for my mothers estate account. Your authority comes from the will, not the probate.Lynne. She had no assets other than a savings account. That is why the bank won't help you. What do I do with these cheques, how do I cash and divide them? She also took forever to sell the property and never keeps us (or me) informed. Why is the bank refusing to add my name as the administrator to my sister's estate bank account? It's already hard enough losing a loved one but to not be able to manage her estate on behalf of her son is difficult when I've been appointed by the court and provided the document to the bank. I am an executor of my mother's will. Should I be opening up an estate account in the deceased name? My mom's name was on the deed of the house at one time but then at some point her name was removed as she was purchasing another house for investment purposes. Where do I even go for help on this? All properties were sold and bills paid and income tax filed. However in the last through s of her life when I could see the end was at hand I put as much available cash in this account because I knew joint accounts would avoid probate. Get more details about Scotiabank's savings accounts. Have a great day. That's interesting. And, there is no online documentation about Estate Accounts that I can find anywhere on the TD website.Is this normal? I was told I would have to open a personal account in my name. Nobody but a judge can decide whether a decision made by your mother close to her death is a valid decision or not.I'm absolutely horrified by this story. For example, some estate accounts are restricted in a way that allows deposits but no withdrawals can be made without a court order. The lawyer handling his mother's estate wants to write the cheque to my name with Executor of the Estate of (my husbands name). Is it necessary to wait for probate to be completed? What if there was a mortgage on the property (there isn't). My three sisters and I are the beneficiaries, however my mother had no assets and lived with us. Our property is the same size. I am an accountant and excutor of my wife's aunt estate. By doing so, does this mean we now have to probate the will? They told me I would be able to get a bank card and on-line access and cheques once I had provided them with a CAET. Currently, I'm asking the bank to add my name by changing the account to Sara Smith, Administrator of the Estate of Jane Doe and they said no. it's a small cheque and likely the only one going to be issued to the estate. I don't know what you've got in mind when you mention recourse. If Empire Life insists on issuing a cheque to the estate, are they at all obliged to reimburse me for the probate fees I will have to pay on the money (300K) because they made a mistake in allowing the account to be set up that way? Hi Lynne, My brother is the executor of my mothers estate. He banked with Scotiabank, and they are telling me that they will not transfer money from his accounts into an estate account with another financial institution. Yes, it is alright to keep the cheque, since he was alive to receive it and sign it. You'll have to make sure the whole story is told to the court in your application for probate. The judge has discretion to deal with the will. The ONLY cheque to come in was a refund from the cable company (5 months after I cancelled her account, PRIOR to her passing), and it is made payable to her estate, with my name and address underneath. Now the will have been pronated and the bank has all information requested but will not release the money to the estate account because they want to keep it to cover the mortgage (with the same bank). Hi there If I was listed as executor as per cra but they dont give you anything to prove that, can I still open the account get the refunds from cra and close the account without this probate? I just received an insurance cheque made out to " The Estate of ". If you are a co-owner with right of survivorship then the assets become yours automatically upon death and are not part of the estate. Several expenses were incurred and paid from my own pocket while waiting for the probate to be granted. I'm frustrated just reading your note; I can just imagine how frustrated you must be. And I don't feel that I should be opening an account for this in my personal name. Two convenient options: Pay annually and save - $39.50 per yea I have 2 brothers and we were all named beneficiaries. Any advice you may be able to offer would be appreciated. On July 21, I escalated my complaint to that bank's ombudsman. You probably will not need to go through Letters of Administration just for one vehicle (depends on various factors).Lynne. Your question is why the bank is refusing to add your name to an estate bank account. My mother died a few months later, after which my brother claimed he had no money. What if the deceased's will names you as the "Estate Trustee"?I'm starting to work on settling my mother's estate and one of her financial institutions is asking for a CAET "Certificate of Appointment as Estate Trustee". There are debts owed (including this financial institution which is a tenant in one of the properties). He had power of attorney. The beneficiaries are prepared to put some money into the pot to cover the probate costs and other debts until I am named estate trustee and until which time we can sell the house and assets. CIBC are certainly entitled to require my ID as sole trustee. A couple of weeks later Mom passed away. Your estate includes what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities). I'm frustrated that I can't create a single account in the estate's name to deal with everything. I am the executor of my step fathers estate. I am in the process of opening an estate account for these commissions to go into and need to know if the funds will be accessible to me for paying bills & mortgage etc. As the executor I am just starting the estate work. Hi Lynne. I have challenged them on this, and they keep telling me there is no estate department (I know this aint true, I have spoken with the estate department). You're right, that is the hold-up. All the risk of the account falls on the executor, not on the bank. Can I relinquish my claim as beneficiary and have Empire Life send the money directly to my 2 brothers, thus avoiding probate? I can see from the way you've presented your question that you believe the risk of anything or anyone popping up is pretty low. What is my recourse as an executor? I've read many comments here that suggest that RBC may insist on a probated will, and I'm wondering if this process is truly necessary? Do you mind if I place your article on my blog and reference your site to it?Cheers,Larosabelle, Hi Larosabelle,Thanks! Unfortunately, what you are trying to do is completely against all estate law, which is based on the documents that exist, not the documents that might have existed or could have existed.Your father left the RRSP beneficiary form with named beneficiaries. Find more information at Canada Pension Plan Death Benefits, or call Service Canada at 1-800-277-9914. Because these accounts are assets of the estate, you will have to get probate to distribute them.Lynne. The majority of elder financial abuse is done by the elder's kids.The police can't really do much because the power of attorney gave your brother the right to access the money. My uncle passed away and put my cousin and I as executor's. If the account is closed, you have to open a new one, as you have a legal obligation to deposit them and use them to pay any outstanding debts of the estate.Lynne. My mother-in-law passed away one month ago, she was in an assisted living apartment. That institution is causing me a lot of distress by not allowing me to deposit items or pay small liabilities on her account. Unfortunately, often the only feasible solution is for the accountant to prepare worksheets, pieced together from whatever data can be determined, allocating assets and incomes into pre- and post-death portions, for reasonable, if not precise, tax reporting. It is not unusual at all for a bank to insist on having a grant of probate before releasing funds. My mother is not very well and I have POA. Also, they finally said they will release all the funds via bank draft payable to the estate.? Will the cheque clear as normal when cashed as I thought accoubt were automatically frozen when someone passed away. It'll happen. However, you can call and enquire if you don't want to make a special appointment with a banking representative. Probate was approved in August and our attorney asked the bank to surrender all funds to their office in my name. Please advise, No, you don't have to wait for probate. Question we have just received a cheque to the Estate of my Father, so don't know what to do with it. I am in BC. According to law, that was his wish. I asked if i can close the account and open one that says Sara Smith, Administrator of the Estate of Jane Doe and they said no. My question is, do I need to apply for a probate grant before I go to a financial institution to open an estate account? The trust now holds $75,000. My mom had around $800 000 of chequing and investment accounts. HI Lynn, My case is very complicated,it started with the land my mum bought 5 acres of land in Fiji and she got her first cousin Vana to handle things to sell the land which mum got many offers even for $450,000.00 but mum trusted her daughter-in-laws family the lawyer she hired and her cousin in Fiji.when our beloved mother passed away notary Sublock Sublock never even got mum to sigh her Will even though we paid $170 fee for that one home visit Mr.Sublock refused to help us and we sent mum's old Will which was Notarized and the Fiji Courts refused to accept it and my dad was next of kin now they said Vana and fiji lawyer Ulamila Tuipuku said that my dad needs to do a Probate and I sent $3,500 for court/lawyer/probate and months down the road Vana and Ulamila said that the court won't accept the Probate that they wanted her in my Dad's WIll which he "WE HAD A DEAD LINE OR LOSE THE LAND " we said that was crazy and we went through with that and so so and we went through Mr. Sablock again because he had the history regarding the land and my mum's information etc.My dad wanted to sell the land because there was squatters on the land and two churches was already built on land without permission and you wonder who was minding the place.When I made an offer to a performance on the land Vana was so upset she was yelling and I said okay you have 6 weeks and she said she already had the money and we'll we waited and waited for the paper work.When I tried from May 2012 til Feb 2013 to get the lawyer to send papers yo sell the land she was making all kinds of excuses and we sent thousands of dollars for court cases and the land .The thing is after my dad passed away the first thing Vana said is remember that I'm the excutor on the Will and no one can go above me and I was do she said none of your kids can go above my head and this just to show she knew what she was doing .We'll after all that she said that the land is in her name and the lawyer who was supposed to be working for my dad was working for her and went against both my parents. does this have to go through Probate? As there was only cash in his estate I did not set up an estate account - the death benefit cheque was deposited to his account. The TD bank allowed my brother to even close accounts, and cash in GICs and made all assets payable to him. I want to pay his bills first and then divide up whats left when I know there are no more debts to pay. My recently deceased mother had create a trust through Wood Gundy for my daughter to help her through university. Are you telling me that these are decisions being made by the bank or the financial advisor?? They also commit to resolving complaints within 90 days, which would take the matter to the end of October. So the only money is what was left in her account and this Estate Cheque from the funeral home. If all is well, the probate order will verify the will is valid. All the estate assets have since been liquidated and deposited to the CIBC estate account, and now CIBC has locked the funds and is refusing to distribute the funds until such time as each and every beneficiary appears at a branch of CIBC, identifies themselves with the previously provided ID's and signs the account application. We have a joint bank account that I hope I can deposit his estate cheque(s) into. Lynne- Using the example from Marsha: Can the account have links to automatic bill payments with registered companies, so all three trustees don't need to be in person to pay every single bill? Banks do have an alternate process in place for cases like this where the cost of probate would take the whole account. We were able to open up an estate account at the Bank of Montreal and transfer the funds from her account without going through probate. What sort of resistance am I likely to encounter from the bank when I try to close them? I can completely sympathize with your situation because I have my own ongoing battles with banks' legal departments on my client files.Whether or not the people at the legal department can read the signatures, the judge of the probate court could, and did. You may not need to get probate. On to your question. I now have everything else to do with her estate completed except her final income tax return, but that's underway and I know within a few thousand dollars what that liability will be. When I sold her house after she went into a nursing home, I invested the money in an Empire Life segregated fund contract as her financial advisor suggested. If you haven't wound up the estate in a year and there is no good reason for it, you could end up in a dispute with the beneficiaries and possibly in court.Lynne. Still to this day I have not heard anything. Can it be deposited into this account. Contact a Calgary Wills & Estates Lawyer today However, that is none of the bank's business. The strategy is usually accomplished through the writing of a Will and establishing Powers of Attorney and similar documents. Their process says I should have received a written agreement that is to be signed and returned to them. My mother learned the hard way that her money was not as 'safe' in the banks as she thought. Since I am sole beneficiary and will receive the cheques to his estate, how do I set up the estate bank account. Do I need to open up an estate account to transfer the money to myself. It is absolutely unworkable for executors.What we do for our clients here is calculate the probate fee and prepare a document that we call an estimate but looks much like an invoice for that amount. Also consider the fact that when a lawyer holds funds in trust, the interest earned on the funds is paid to the Law Foundation and not to clients. The house just had a major fire and two of the executors want to sell the house as is (with the fire damage), settle with the insurance company and distribute the settlement proceeds as part of the estate. I only want 50%. Lynne. My Dad just died and he had 2 bank accounts with myself as co-owner with right of survivorship. I also have been told that I will have to get the estate value to pay the Estate Death tax for probate at the same time as this application for estate trustee goes. In order for that to happen, there has to be a will that appoints you. It seems to me that you are confused about where the various sums of money are going, and you're just putting them wherever you feel like. However, to get the balance or the transactions, I have to call in and get whatever information I can. Executor & Estate Bank Accounts. I am the person who paid for the funeral and I already applied for the CPP death benefit. Anyone can make a mistake but that's not a mistake; thinking they outrank the court is arrogance.As for not telling you about the problem they were having, yes, they should have told you. Before closing an account, it is important to check to see if there are any automatic payments from or to the account. BMO Business Builder 1 Monthly Fees: $22.50 Transactions: 35 free transactions per month | Unlimited Moneris transactions Monthly Deposits: $2,500 cash deposits How To Sign Up: Link I certainly know plenty of executors who have online access to their estate accounts. Yes, all executors' names must be on it. There are RSP's that are to be transferred into the estate account to help pay for the funeral. If they still won't comply, you will probably have to hire a lawyer to write a letter to them for you.Lynne. Your husband's estate is separate from him. As his mother I took care of his arrangements and the funeral home applied for CPP. There is a house and some GIC's. I cant help but think that the financial advisor was incompetent and forgot to file the paperwork as I have been told too many conflicting stories. Hello. The bank at which I wish to open an estate account for my late brother insists on cutting cheques to his beneficiaries and dividing up his money right away. I am not the executor, a relative who is a C.A. Executors don't have to wait for the grant of probate. My sister now refuses to sign a bond of indemnity to the bank to have it replaced even though I went as far as convincing the bank to put my name on the bond too, which they don't have to. The local manager was extremely helpful in rescanning the problem documents but now I must wait up to 10 business days until this is approved! Waste of time.It takes sometimes up to a year or more to probate a Will, but bills need to be paid before that. On the Statement of Death I was named as next of kin as I was always the one with Mom taking care of her affairs. Through the firm that handled my mothers taxes we have filed and received a refund for her 2017 taxes. To me, this is more of a bank policy question than a legal question. Can Laurentienne refuse to transfer the funds from my decesased uncle's account to BMO? Thanks! The bank has frozen any access to these accounts until a declaration form is received at the branch for me too sign. Thanks. Do I have to go open an estate account for,this one cheque. I opened an Estate account with TD as well. I just received a govt cheque made out to the estate of my mom care of myself for her OAS payment. I have some Estate litigation lawyers names but want to know if I can realistically get her to replace that cheque so I can have my money. I'm in Alberta. I don't know who works at the legal departments for banks, but they seem to know absolutely squat about estate paperwork. Apparently the estate wing of the bank does not inform the local branch where the papers were scanned if there is a problem. Asked by: Ozella Braun | Last update: February 9, 2022. She will not sign it. You are the one with the liability and the responsibility so tell them to back off and let you do your job. Or, if the primary account holder of your joint bank account has recently passed away, we can assist you in determining your entitlement, if any, to the account assets. Not every will is probated, and the banks are well aware of that, particularly if some of your joint assets were held there. Have I waited long enough and should I get a lawyer and start litigation including the passing of the accounts? Can I simply deposit the cheque to her bank account and withdraw it? The bank has an account for which there is no online access? Hi Lynne, our mother passed away in February this year. These accounts are useful to avoid probate and are common in the US. Other things might also flow through that estate account, such as the CPP death benefit. Not the same thing. Can we open an estate bank account if we did not probate and are not the Executor? An estate account is a temporary bank account that holds an estate's money. You may have to show some of these to justify your expenses in the future.Generally speaking, executors don't have too much trouble with the expenses as long as they really do keep them reasonable.Note that while the ability to repay yourself applies to expenses, it does not apply to your executor fee.Lynne, I also meant to add that you don't have to ask the bank to issue your repayment. It's quite possible that they will insist on probate. They don't give the retail branch staff any training and their policies are poorly understood and inconsistently administered. The debts of an estate are paid only to the extent that the estate (NOT the executor) has the funds to pay them.So, yes the executor does have access to estate funds right away, but no, a beneficiary does not. As trustee, I am unable to distribute or transfer the funds of the Estate. That sounds wrong to me. 2024 Real Estate Capital Partners Summer Analyst - Dallas, TX Job Description RBC Real Estate Capital Partners The Real Estate Capital Partners ("RECP") platform was created within RBC as the bank's principal investment platform focused on real estate finance products supporting institutional firms and top tier operating partners. Death benefits are administered by the federal government. I was told in the beginning the less money in the account the easier it will be to close out I have a felling this isn't so. There were no investments just bank accounts in both our names, (my father and mine)so the money could pass seamlessly in the event of his passing. The banks have always agreed to this (with only one exception) because the funds aren't going to the executor or anyone else besides the court. Either you were joint executors, or one was named executor and the other as alternate. If so, it will pose quite a hardship on her as a student. The alberta bank is insisting on probate. Since I haven't heard from the bank I have taken the money she had in there and put it in a separate account at my bank and it will sit in there until everything is done. On the other hand, if you stepped down properly, who became the executor in your place? What about interest, death, separation/divorce etc.2 - He has advised us it will take 4 years before money can be distributed since Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Finance have a 4 year window to assess/reassess estates. They also told me that it doesn't matter if the will states that the funds are to be split between myself and 3 kids, that because they have it listed on their system that only the kids are beneficeries, that they have to go by that. There is no property involved all all bank accounts other than investments are joint with myself. Did the TD bank error in allowing this as she was only one of three executors? You can apply for an ID number online, at All debts of the estate have been paid. I have since gone to CIBC and they had no issue with helping me without probate. I attempted to open an estate bank account along with my co-executor and was told I would have to wait until the Court issues the probate letters. My sister and I are co-executors of our fathers will. An estate account is a financial tool used to manage the estate of a decedent. I am her executor and sole beneficiary. As far as the bank is concerned, your father's account is still HIS account and not an estate account until the probate has come through. There are two other executors and decisions are to be made unanimously. Thank you so much in advance! This bit about the banks not allowing executors to open an estate account until probate has been granted is relatively new, and only works for the bank. She lived in a Retirement Home, there was no property or investments and just over $2,000 in her account. I'm not aware of anyone charging a fee of $350 for an executor's account either, so I can't explain the rationale behind it.As long as you have properly been appointed by the will as the executor, then the bank must release the funds to you. If you're using a bank account, you'd have to do the deposits and payments etc yourself but you wouldn't be paying legal fees on those transactions.I have occasionally used my trust account in this way but it's usually for a specific reason such as co-executors who don't work well together and want a neutral third person as a buffer. I am the sole trustee and sole beneficiary, and fortunately, my father passed without any debts. Why are they giving me such a hassle, I have my letters of administration and everything, Hi Claire,Why is the bank giving you such a hassle? I'm also more then willing to walk away from the account if I can't close it. Safe Deposit Boxes You will need the key to any safe deposit box so you can list the contents and access any important documents it may contain. It is not a good idea to mingle estate funds with personal funds. I don't want to put any money through my personal bank account as I want to be able to keep organized records for when I do the final payout. Good at handling estates they are doing the right thing and you are the one with the and! A cheque to her bank account in determining the level of risk, finally. Information at Canada Pension Plan death Benefits, or one was named executor and funeral. Example, some estate accounts that I hope I can just imagine how you. Website.Is this normal how frustrated you must be frustrated you must be on it and me, avoiding! Lived in a Retirement home, there is no time limit specified.. Of an estate account for, this is what was left in account! 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