rehab acronym fema

LLWS Low-Level Wind Shear SANS SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS Institute) DRO Detention and Removal Office PRC 1) Peoples Republic of China VCR Video Cassette Recorder 2) Citizen Corps Program (Department of Homeland Security grass-roots program involving citizens; based in OSLGC&P) HARN High Accuracy Reference Network DPRE Displaced Persons, Refugees and Evacuees ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network WPS 1) Water Purification System 3) Disaster Response Unit CID Criminal Investigation Division or Department, Community Identification AT Antiterrorism DW Data Window MPS Mission Planning System GBPS Gigabytes Per Second IDENT Automated Biometric Fingerprint Identification System HME Health, Medical, and Environmental ATTF Anti-Terrorism Task Force RFIS Flood Insurance Restudy TCS 1) (Standard Flood Hazard) Tracking and Correspondence System yd yard 2) Special Agent-in-Charge (FBI) MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group ATO Air Tasking Order NECD Newport Chemical Depot 2) FEMA Switched Network 404 ( 5170c) Hazard Mitigation 2) Mobile Analytical Response System LERT Logistics Emergency Response Team GE General Emergency 3) Emergency Management Division AFRCC Air Force Rescue Coordination Center MODEM Modulator/Demodulator Rehabilitation (Center, Hospital, &c) Medical. TEU Technical Escort Unit RAMOS Remote Automated Meteorological Observing System FSVS FEMA Secure Video System 2) Emergency Office 2) Small Structure Survey MSCLEA Military Support to Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies ITS 1) Information Technology Services EJ Environmental Justice FLAG FEMA Logistics Advisory Group OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims ESP 1) Early Site Permit DP Disaster Preparedness SSN Social Security Number GFIP Group Flood Insurance Policy 308 ( 5151) Nondiscrimination in Disaster Assistance EXPLAN Exercise Plan ECTF Electronic Crimes Task Force ASDSO Association of State Dam Safety Officials VITA Volunteers In Technical Assistance Purpose of Your Job Position. OIA Office of International Affairs QRC Quick Reaction Checklist Military, Drug, . ATV All-Terrain Vehicle TSDR Toxic Substance and Disease Registry CBRS 1) Coastal Barrier Resources System MMRS Metropolitan Medical Response System DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team NPSP National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program AEGL Acute Exposure Guidelines Level 2) Middle of Month ARSOF Army Special Operations Forces TAES Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation System DPC Domestic Policy Council CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office/Officer NCDDM National Center for Disaster Decision Making ACPSEM Advisory Council on Professional Standards for Emergency Managers DCD Deseret Chemical Depot 2) Volunteer Incentive Program MLOS Microwave Line-of-Sight CCRA Canada Customs and Revenue Agency RECS Radiological Emergency Communications System AVSEC Aviation Security IRC 1) International Residential Code HL 1) Hotline SBCCOM Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (U.S. Army) NUSRS National Urban Search and Rescue System, Advisory Committee of the HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability ACAP 1) Agency-wide Corrective Action Program VAMC Veteran's Administration Medical Center 4) Reserve Component ULP Unfair Labor Practice NIER National Industrial Equipment Reserve ETT Eligible Travel Trailer JPMT Joint Patient Movement Team CFGDP Crash Feed Grain Donation Program OHRM Office of Human Resources Management When performing triage a rescuer must focus on the type and integrity of the structure, the contents, and the likelihood of victim survival. AM 1) Amplitude Modulation RADCON Radiological Control (Team) 3) Estimated Completion Date TED Total Effective Dose DART 1) Daily Advisories/Risk and Threat OTR Office of Trade Relations IAM Incident Activity Manager Assign assistants qualified to evaluate special hazards. CIMS 1) Correspondence and Issues Management System 2) Electric Service Priority FAPRS Federal Access Program Retrieval System COSIN Control Staff Instruction(s) CALM Cognitive and Affective Learning Model 626 ( 5197e) Authorization of Appropriations and Transfers of Funds SMSD State-Managed Small Disaster We are an independent, nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality of services you use to meet your needs for the best possible outcomes. 2) Civil Support Team (National Guard--for WMD) 3) Rural Community Assistance IRP 1) Institutional Removal Program 2) Agency Confirmation Report GEMINI Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative NIMS/NET National Incident Management System Network EHP Environmental/Historic Preservation CAPC Civil Aviation Planning Committee SEB Staphylococcus Enterotoxin type B FS 1) Feasibility Study TSAC Towing Safety Advisory Committee 501 ( 5191) Procedure for Declaration Note: This class does not cover all acronyms and terms. NA 1) North American DO 1) Digital Orthophoto T&C Time and Cost NFSCC National Fire Science Curriculum Committee EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact 410 ( 5177) Unemployment Benefit Assistance 5) Multiple award contract ICC 1) Incident Command Center ESF 15 External Affairs ALC 1) Agency Location Code NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers ANPR Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking GOALS Government On-Line Accounting Link System REHAB Meaning. MIC 1) Media Information Center 625 ( 5197d) Applicability of Title ILEA International Law Enforcement Academy SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration DDD Direct Distance Dialing CAM 1) Chemical Agent Monitor EEX Employee Express TBP To be published PERI Public Entity Risk Institute PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder NMRI Naval Medical Research Institute 2) Intelligent Transportation System(s) 2) Kentucky Department of Emergency Management NEHA National Environmental Health Association PPI Preliminary (or Pre-) Placement Interview IS 1) Information Security PBA Pine Bluff Arsenal FPDL Fire Protection Demonstration Lab CSTARC Cyber Security Tracking, Analysis, & Response Center 2) Instructor Guide VPS Vector Product Format FHA 1) Federal Housing Administration NAIIA National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters USAFA United States Air Force Academy NIFC National Interagency Fire Center 318 ( 5161) Audits and Investigations HAZUS-MH Hazards - United States (Multi-Hazard) ESF 05 Emergency Management NSTAC National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee SLO State Liaison Officer ORCA Operational Readiness Capability Assessment CBRA Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (also see COBRA) HOH Head Of Household ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air 3) Member of Congress 2) District Response Group ICIMPP Integrated Civilian Industrial Mobilization Planning Process TIOC Transportation Information Operations Center CNSNS Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards USIC United States Interdiction Coordinator 2) Help Line GSACR GSA Communications Representative JPAC Joint Planning Augmentation Cell (for CBIRF) NEST Nuclear Emergency Search/Support Team DEST Domestic Emergency Support Team(s) CSTE Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists WRDA Water Resources Development Act NBTA National Business Travel Association EQPCE Earthquake Preparedness Center of Expertise Review and approve the Medical Plan. INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite SBU Sensitive But Unclassified DFCO Deputy Federal Coordinating Officer DSCO Deputy State Coordinating Officer Your IP: 2) Initial Projections Report Be familiar with the meaning and usage of common medical abbreviations, symbols, and terms relative to the administration of medications as used by the . 2) International Paralympic Committee IHS Indian Health Service NAP Nuclear Assessment Program DOMS Director of Military Support 3) International Port Security OASH/OEP Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health / Office of Emergency Preparedness FEMA USMC United States Marine Corps FIS Flood Insurance Study DH Disaster Housing 3) Automated Commercial Environment (secure data portal) P&D Production and Development MP 1) Management Profiler RPT Radiation Protection Technician TMS 1) Training Management System MMST Metropolitan Medical Strike Team SMI 1) Safety Management Institute DIA Defense Intelligence Agency US&R Urban Search and Rescue 421 ( 5188) Timber Sale Contracts ABF Automatic Broadcast Feed CINCNORAD Commander-in-Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command GCS Ground Control Station JCC Joint Coordination Center lb pound FAQ(S) Frequently Asked Question(s) NYCOEM New York City Office of Emergency Management Performance & security by Cloudflare. DDRM Deputy Disaster Recovery Manager HUREVAC Hurricane Evacuation SOR Statement of Requirement IRAC Interagency Radiological Assistance Committee CBIRF Chemical/Biological Incident Response Force (USMC) APOE Aerial Port of Embarkation NLD Nunn-Lugar-Domenici CDERA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency CAI 1) Chemical Accident/Incident GACC Geographic Area Coordination Center NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration API Application Programming Interface PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Download Free PDF View PDF. FF Firefighter EMA Emergency Management Agency OHS Office of Homeland Security (now HSC) 502 ( 5192) Federal Emergency Assistance 3) Intelligence Community ( Bh. RCS 1) Reports Control System LEVEL 1 EST Full EST activation level (NRCC) 2) Association of General Contractors LODR Letter of Determination Review ROWPU Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit 307 ( 5150) Use of Local Firms and Individuals The policy indicates that the recovery phase starts with a joint damage and needs assessment with other partners (which took place in Timor-Leste) and is followed by the provision of "emergency, short-term transitional assistance," with a start made on the design of "comprehensive medium to long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction . MOB 1) Mobilization (or Mobilize) DLG Digital Line Graph EPG Emergency Planning Guide AIA 1) American Institute of Architects FTTTF Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force SWP 1) State Warning Point EO 1) Electro-Optical 2) Over and Above OTSP Office of Transportation Security Policy 5) Public Assistance NEMA 1) National Emergency Management Association MSA 1) Mutual Support Agreement DCS 1) Defense Communications System CVS Combined Verification Section DPP 1) Disaster Processing Procedures 2) Service Delivery Point 2) Crisis Management Unit OFF Offshore Forecast PAM Pamphlet CMG Consequence Management Group ELT 1) Emergency Location Transmitter EFT Electronic Funds Transfer IGE Independent Government Estimate CHER-CAP Community Hazards Emergency Response - Capability Assurance Process IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Association GRS Geodetic Reference System CACTIS Computer-Assisted CSEPP Training Information System NWCG National Wildfire Coordinating Group ET 1) End-of-Transect (Line) UMP Upward Mobility Program ERP 1) Elevation Reference Point OPM Office of Personnel Management 2) Border and Transportation Security USA 1) United States of America SIMBAD Sensor Integration and Modeling for Biological Agent Detection DOH Department of Health 2) FEMA Storage Center RAC AC Regional Assistance Committee Advisory Council ETE 1) Estimated Time Enroute JACE Joint Assessment of Catastrophic Events With over 44 Long Term Acute Care and Rehabilitation hospitals and 16 Outpatient Clinics currently in operation across the country, we are proud to offer services including comprehensive wound care, aquatic therapy, ventilator weaning, amputation treatment, pain management and much more. ITC 1) Information Technology Committee SMC Specialty/Specialized Management Center DLA Defense Logistics Agency 3) Infrastructure Protection JIMPP Joint Industrial Mobilization Planning Process In health care facilities, each floor may assign one staff member to go help fight a fire. NCCC National Council of the Churches of Christ MMPAC Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee FECA Federal Employees Compensation Act CSI 1) Container Security Initiative ACAMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System RSSC Remote Sensing Support Coordinator 5) Regular Day Off HWR Heavy Water Reactor ZONE AO Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. OPW Operational Planning Worksheet NSC 1) National Safety Council DOI Department of the Interior FIP Federal Information Processing RRCC Regional Response Coordination Center (replacing ROC) 2) Donation Coordination Center 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) AAD Assistant Associate Director 320 ( 5163) Limitation on Use of Sliding Scales 2) Restricted Data FTC 1) Federal Trade Commission CLS Central Locator System LFEOC Local Federal Emergency Operations Center STC 1) Satellite Teleregistration Center 312 ( 5155) Duplication of Benefits 2) Integrated Product Teams 2) Infrastructure Coordination Division 316 ( 5159) Protection of Environment EIT Electronic and Information Technology 613 ( 5196b) Contributions for Personnel and Administrative Expenses AR 1) Acknowledge Receipt 2) Combined Federal Campaign ASD 1) Allowable Stress Design MOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture NOTAM Notice To Airmen ICPAE Interagency Committee on Public Affairs in Emergencies GFM 1) Generic Financial Module (NEMIS) DFOM Disaster Field Operations Management 3.Prioritize buildings by considering triage criteria. LTD Limited mR milliroentgen/millirem REHAB Meaning Abbreviations Common. MHW Mean High Water DMI Disaster Management Interoperability SSC 1) Scientific Support Coordinator km kilometer FCSA Fee-Charge System Administrator MTSA Maritime Transportation Security Act CBRT Chemical-Biological Response Team 2) Regional Climate Center M/V Merchant Vessel Review the Incident Action Plan for safety implications. CRT Cathode Ray Tube CBRDT Chemical/Biological Rapid Deployment Team NFAR No Further Action Required OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe CHIP Capability and Hazard Identification Program CED Committee for Economic Development VFR Visual Flight Rules TMI Three Mile Island (Nuclear Power Plant) OCIPEP Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness CBW Chemical and Biological Warfare PHS Public Health Service FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas CIPB Critical Infrastructure Protection Board IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters PSU Port Security Unit(s) POL Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants MAC 1) Mapping & Analysis Center SOMA Summary of Map Actions OPUS Olympic Properties of the United States SC 1) Section Chief CWA 1) Chemical Warfare Agent ANG Air National Guard FM 1) Financial Management 2) Cost, Insurance, and Freight 2) Domain Name Server DTRIM Domestic Threat Reduction and Incident Management 2) Notice of Interest h (also hr) hour OTAN Organisation du Trait de l'Atlantlique Nord (NATO) -DIY: Do it yourself -RENO: Renovation project -HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning -FHA: Federal Housing Administration - And, last but not least, DURA stands for the Denver Urban Renewal Authority. BSPP Broadcast Station Protection Program PVA Port Vulnerability Assessment 2) Congregate Care Center EHM Earthquake Hazard Mitigation LESC Law Enforcement Support Center IIMG Interagency Incident Management Group 2) Allocation Advice 3) Crisis Counseling Program USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service LR Limited Response COCOM Coordinating Committee PPR Prior Permission Required SPR Special Problem Report FFRDC Federally Funded Research & Development Center DPMU Disaster/Deployable Portable Morgue Unit NCTC National Counterterrorism Center PEOC President's Emergency Operations Center HAZMIN Hazard Minimization RCV Replacement Cost Value DNF Did Not Finish ANSI American National Standards Institute WESTPAC Western Pacific ULN Unit Line Number(s) CCTV Closed-Circuit Television PPG Program Planning Guidance JFHQ-HLS Joint Forces Headquarters - Homeland Security LFD Letter of Final Determination WSEL Water-Surface Elevation GPS Global Positioning System FMV Fair Market Value SNL Sandia National Laboratory Registered Nurse - Acute Phys Rehab. NRO National Reconnaissance Office DDOS Distributed Denial of Service MCV Mobile Coordinating Vehicle FMT Field Monitoring Team RPG Response Planning Guide MW 1) megawatt 3) Electromagnetic Interference ALTRETCO Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator HEC Hydrologic Engineering Center SEL Standardized Equipment List ELR Employee Labor Relations NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. 3) Public Assistance Officer SED Shippers Export Declaration 102 ( 5122) Definitions ERCP Emergency Response Concept Plan RMT Radiological Monitoring Team HTGR High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor 2) Outer Continental Shelf USCERT United States Computer Emergency Response Team AGAR Alternate Governor's Authorized Representative DMH Disaster Mental Health DCE 1) Defense Coordinating Element BLESTP Basic Law Enforcement Supervisor Training Program 2) Disaster Resistant Universities GNIS Geographic Names Information System ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm CEA Council of Economic Advisors NIC 1) National Instrumentation Center SECURE Strategic Communications Resources Effort ZONE AE Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; base flood elevations are determined RADNUC Radiological/ Nuclear Enforcement GDT Ground Data Terminal IPC 1) Interagency Planning Committee L-CAR Local Capability Assessment for Readiness CRC 1) Contamination Reduction Corridor AID Agency for International Development 2) AntiTerrorism Contraband Enforcement Team IMCS Incident Management Communications Systems DPS Department of Public Safety PSAMS Personnel Security Activity Management System NDW Naval District of Washington TIER Treasury Information Executive Repository RAMTAR Radiological Material Transportation Accident Response GPLD Government Property Lost or Damaged CWC Chemical Weapons Convention USML United States Munitions List NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications ERRO Emergency Response/Recovery Office (USACE) ARCHIE Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation 4) Alternate Command Post FD 1) Fire Department Participate in planning meetings. ICCB Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Board(s) CAD 1) Computer Aided/Assisted Dispatch 2) Hydrologic and Hydraulic (Analyses) WEE Western Equine Encephalitis MCOC Marine Corps Operations Center COPS Community Oriented Policing Service AMTI Applied Marine Technology, Inc. ESDRB Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch RRT 1) Radiological Response Team USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease 4) Countermeasure FOD Foreign Object Damage ICSSC Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System VEE Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis ITDS International Trade Data System MEAG Major Emergency Action Guide CMO Civil Military Operations RESTAT Resources Status WWU Watch and Warning Unit TransCAER Transportation Community Awareness Emergency Response PRB Procurement Review Board CONPLAN 1) Concept of Operations Plan HRD Human Resources Division APRSAC Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee FAA 1) Federal Aviation Administration 2) Airports Council International DEPER Deployed Personnel Report LOSA Logistical Operations Staging Area FRMT Field Radiological Monitoring Team DISCO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office(r) Ambulatory emergency care: Rate it: AESR: Arm Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation: NAWE National Association for Waterfront Employees DCT Donations Coordination Team 3) Receive-Only NOS 1) National Ocean Survey DMV Department of Motor Vehicles ATCT Air Traffic Control Tower NASCDD National Association of State Civil Defense Directors NOEL No Observed Effects Level ESF Emergency Support Function(s) [see below] SQL Structured Query Language ATB Applied Technology Board 3) Word Processing System RIF Reduction-in-Force 2) White House MIDAS Microfluidic Integrated DNA Analysis System DIMOS Drug Intelligence Method of Operation System IA 1) In and Around ACT FAST Agent Characteristics Toxicity - First Aid and Special Treatment IEMS Integrated Emergency Management System UNDRO United Nations Disaster Relief Organization The list of Rehab abbreviations in Emergency. ZONE D Area in which flood hazards are undetermined MPH Miles Per Hour SAST Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team LEM Local Emergency Management LeeTran Lee County Transit Authority (Florida) MACOM Major Command WPT Workforce Performance Training TIARA Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services OFMA Oklahoma Floodplain Management Association PUBLIC ASSISTANCE NEIS National Earthquake Information Service SAMP Special Area Management Plan OJT On-the-Job Training 2) European Olympic Committee(s) FIR 1) Federal Inspection Report D2Puff An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes

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