Weight conversions

Handy conversions since most US recipes are made in volume, rather than weight. I use metric system since it is much easier to remember grams to kilograms rather than pounds to ounces, etc. I have yet to see a scale that does just pounds.

AP Flour

1C = 120g [1], 125g [2]

Bread flour

1C = 120g [1], 127g [2]

Whole Wheat Flour

1C = 113g [1], 120g [2]

Granulated Sugar

1C = 200g [2, 3]

1t = 4g [3]

Brown Sugar

1C = 220g [3]

1T = 14g [3]

Powdered sugar / Icing sugar / confectioners sugar

1C = 125g [2]

1 pound powdered sugar = 453g = 3 1/2 to 4 cups or 1C = 113-129g [4]
1 3/4 cups powdered sugar = 1 cup white sugar [4]

average = 120g for 1C


1 cake = ⅗ ounce = 1 packet dry = 2 ¼ to 2 ½ teaspoons dry [4]

Raises a pound of flour (4C AP)




[1] King Arthur ingredients weight chart

[2] Traditional Oven.com flour amounts / sugar amounts

[3] Pastry Scoop

[4] Smitten Kitchen cooking conversions




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