loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory

Lincoln ended up dying a week shy of the doctor's proposed two weeks. Lucy hardly ever revealed her eyes to anyone. #linkaloud - Lori said. Hi, Lana. - Lori said. Note: I own nothing and Lincoln joins a secret branch of the US army after an event that happened the night he was kicked out. Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. She latches onto Lincoln for comfort of which he responds by weakly wrapping his arms around her for an embrace. LINCOLN: I can't believe this. - Lincoln said, holding his head, (Lincoln walk to his door and a bucket of water fell on Lincoln, drenching him), (The bucket ends up falling from the ceiling, hitting Lincoln in the head), LINCOLN: Not again. - Lynn furiously said, (Lynn kicks a football and it hit Lincoln's right leg, he screams in pain), (Leni rolls her eyes and Luna facepalms in anger; At the hospital, the entire family is in the waiting room). "No, idiot, don't you remember what the doctor said? (Leni signed Lincoln cast in a turquoise marker and the eleven of them eat cookies and watch TV together), Lucy Lisa and Lily have no lines in this fanfiction. Lincoln Campbell was an Inhuman agent of S Loud House Sisters Hurt Lincoln Fanfiction Wiki In some episodes, at least one is the.A young man bring the Louds, the Casagradnes . Lincoln quiets her down with a hug. LENI: Which you kicked and made it hit Lincoln in the head! LYNN: WHAT?! - Leni said worried, (At home, the siblings guide Lincoln to the door, he tries using the knob. With mascara running from her face, Lori walked over to her brother, and bent down to reach his eye level. What happened? ), (Lori was texting Bobby when she heard crying, she went to where the crying was coming from, it was Leni), Lori: (gets shocked) Whhhh (voice breaks) hahahhy??? They were the ones who had held out the most hope that their brother would recover only to have their hopes dashed by the harshness of reality. Lincoln spends his days playing video games, reading comics, and drinking milk straight out of the jug. Royal Woods takeover part 2. (Unbeknownst to the four of them, Lynn hears the whole thing and she is enraged; Later at night, Lincoln, in his PJs, is reading a book, where a knock on the door is heard), LANA: (from outside) It's Lana. - Lincoln said, LENI: C'mon, you can do it! LENI: Wait! #stella. Some Dark Themes included. They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. LENI: We were swimming, Linky. While the Louds were finishing their plan Lincoln, and Linka had just gotten their hair done. It's over! Years later, the two families meet againwho will prevail? said Lori who was mad that Carol won't talk to her anymore, If we can pull it off without anyone finding out I'll help. - Lola said. Why?! The only catch? Follow Lincoln as he unleashes the Log on virtually every girl. "Mr. and Mrs. I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. LUCY: You guys are real jerks. Lincoln: And then Sylvester Graham used the Kikoho technique to push the dragon off the cliff and into the ocean. LUAN: But, not Lincoln. Casted Away. He stuffs Bun-Bun in and looks towards the audience.]. After Lynn gets two strikes, Lincoln begins to wonder if he really is bad luck. (Sobs), Leni: Its real! (She and Luan carries him upstairs, Luan placed Lincoln on his bed and wrapped him with a blanket, Leni placed a pillow on him and she kissed him on his forehead and they leave Lincoln's room), LENI: (sniffles) I can't believe Lynn caused this to Lincoln. - Leni said, LANA: A shelf fell on your head. - Leni comforted - Right, Lincoln? Lincoln: I you fine, Lana. - Lynn said with her voice breaking - I shouldn't never been that reckless around you, if I wouldn't be that reckless, you wouldn't end up in this condition. "LLynn," groans Lincoln agonizingly. This causes Lincoln to get an idea. LORI: No, we're taking him to a hospital. Lincoln: Hmm okay, here we go. LORI: Can you both literally stop yelling?! "Girls!" Got your cracker, got your milk, got your syrup. "Girls" Lincoln cries "girls, please, it's not worth" Lincoln grabs onto his breast and whimpers. "No, no, don't beat yourself up, sis." "You are one of the greatest scientists that I know. - Lincoln said. - Leni scolded, LYNN: But I always wanted a brother to play with me. LENI: Allow me to explain, little bro. Lynn and Lori stopped in their tracks. (Cut to outside, Lori has her military suit off, they arrive at the arcade), (The siblings arrive at other places, but no sign of Lincoln), (The siblings arrive at the forest, Lincoln turns out to be there). LENI: You're in the living room, Lincoln. Everyone has lost someone's trust at one point or another and this time won't be any different; Lincoln Loud, a fifth grader in Royal Woods Michigan will soon know what's it like to lose trust. LUNA: Lola, that's selfish and wrong, we have to give him his memories back! On his first day at Archetype Academy, a school that trains its student to harness their potential, Lincoln Loud worries that his lack of powers will ruin his attempts to follow in his exceptional sisters' footsteps. said the twins With a nod Carol then began to dye their hair back to it's original color. Meanwhile the Louds were on their way back to their house and they were not happy. (Leni kissed him on his forehead and rubbed his back, he hugs her gently), LINCOLN: (chuckles) Thanks, Leni. Giant monstrosities wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting, and unprepared populace. I love you all.". LENI: Lynn kicked Lincoln to a wall and knocked him out! Even though she no longer felt guilty about Lincoln's illness, she refused to see her brother in such a condition. He was an advocate for healthy eating, and he encouraged his followers to satisfy their cravings with whole grain crackers sweetened with honey. Where are they going? LINCOLN: It's okay, Lana. - Leni angrily blames - All because Lynn won't admit she's reckless! Tears slowly rolled down Lynn's face. LINCOLN: Whoa, I never thought of that. Bobby and Margo have no lines in this episode. [Lincoln sighs, ties his bindle shut, and walks out the door. Struggling to keep back tears, Lynn Sr. assures his son that it was no one's fault for his condition. But where woul can't make a good description without giving away the story. Crackers are salty! "No, no. - Luan yelled - He can be anything for us, you guys! - the others said cutely, (Lori and the others leave Leni and Lincoln alone, she pulled up the scrapbook), LENI: You wanna look through our childhood memories together? LENI: Lisa, he's your brother! - Lana announced, (Lana, in her PJs, came into Lincoln room, holding a pillow). - Lincoln said - Who else you think I was talking about (Lincoln took a sip of water and he look around the house and his sisters). Inspired by Patanu's Lincpool artwork. - Lincoln said happily, (Luna, Lana, Lily, and Lucy popped up next to them), LUNA: Can we join too, dude? Loud," he says drearily, "I'm afraid that the major heart attack that your son suffered from greatly weakened him." - Luna ask, (Luna signed his cast and the others pull out markers of their respective colors and they all signed Lincoln cast; Leni come in with a large plate of cookies). - Lori said sadly, LINCOLN: (confused) Thanks, but who are all you guys, and who is Lincoln? -A collaboration with UnderratedHero. - Lincoln said, confused - What you mean my memories has returned? (Lori and the others run into the living room and are shocked at Lincoln condition), LUNA: (tearful) What happened to him?! In keeping with the comic theme of the show, there's a "THWACK" onomatopoeia, when the batter during the first game hits the ball. - Lori said shocked - Are you kidding me?! I wish there was a story where Lincoln is the biggest baldest son of the bitch there was!"? LORI: We're really sorry, Lincoln. LORI: Duh. - Lynn doubted - That doesn't prove anything. #maggie - Lori said - He's my dating expert! At Lynn's softball game, Lincoln disguises himself as the mascot of the Squirrels so he can prove that he is not bad luck. Enraged, Leni walk outside to see Lynn with a baseball launcher), LENI: What are you doing, Lynn?! Lynn was angrily trying to suppress her tears when she was caught off guard by Lori. LENI: (grabbing Lincoln) Well, I'm gonna turn him back into my brother, Lincoln Loud. Or will the Log prove too much to handle? They searched all over Royal Woods for about a hour before coming across a home that they liked. - Lincoln questions himself - Sure, I love cookies. - Lincoln scolded - Changing me into something else means you don't love me for who I am whatsoever. LENI: Only, Dad love your jokes, Luan! Smut ensues. The more, the merrier. LINCOLN: (confused) Memories? Did I mention there is SEX? [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.]. wines Lola. Lincoln nodded and went downstairs to wait for his sisters, after he left his room Lori walked inside and stomped on the ground three times, Lucy, who was still hiding under the bed, witnessed this happened and recognized it as the signal for Lucy to come out of hinding, Lucy came out from under the bed. (Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana, and Lily all hugged Lincoln, knowing they're happy that Lincoln is back to his old self again; Lincoln plopped on the couch, Leni then jump on him, the others all joined them as well, as they happily looked at their scrapbook.). They tried everything that they could think of to possibly revive their brother, but they were forced to part with his body when the doctor covers Lincoln with his bed sheets. - Lincoln said - Its hard eating with one hand because of a cast. Lincoln decides to take advantage anyway. - Lincoln groaned - What happened? - Leni said. #samsharp - Luan protested - At least someone love my jokes! LINCOLN: Okay, minor setback. LORI: (walks in as well) No! A park medical truck pulled up. LOLA: Oh my gosh! Lisa removes her glasses momentarily to wipe away at the tears. Luan is slowly los at age 14 lincoln loud starts going through a goth phase. Gathering around Lincoln, the sisters goad him into a group hug. When the time comes, we'll show Lily the home videos. LANA: (off-screen and furious) Stop calling my brother a slob! A story about love, comic books, and a strange blonde girl who takes it all way too seriously. See ya. "Lynnit's okay. Knowing this to be true, they walk back towards Lincoln's bed in defeat. Mutants and Mutates, are controversial topics around the globe, if you're the Avengers' Hulk and Captain America, you're prized p All it takes is one rotten day to turn a man into a monster. Once Lynn Senior figures out what's going onit doesn't end well for him (). - Lori berated - You always bully him and act reckless, but this has gone too far! I don't own The Loud House or it's characters, Th Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much Lincoln disappeared. - Leni said sweetly - How the cast working? - Lana scolded, (Doctor Marshall open the door and walk up the Loud Family). Lincoln is a loved boy. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. Lincoln: Oh, hi there. Lincoln then walked over to Carol. A smut filled story featuring everyone's favorite Loud banging every girl that lays their eyes on him. LANA: Yes you did! LANA: (notices Lincoln) Hey, Lincoln. (Leni kiss him on his forehead and fluff his pillow, Lincoln chuckles), (Lynn came into Lincoln room, Leni and Lincoln angrily glare at her). Chapter 10. LINCOLN: I remember that experience. The Planet Eater had absorbed the last Cosmic Stone of Power. After a while, Lincoln gets back up from his bed). (Lana hops into Lincoln bed and place her pillow next to him), LINCOLN: Good night, Lana. His sisters burst into tears when the final verdict was delivered. - Lana furiously said, (Lola is still laughing, which angers Lincoln into wanting to hurt Lola, but Lana and Leni intervenes; At home, Lincoln, bored, is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling). LYNN: Shut up, Lori! Will these upcoming events after his family threw him out, Lincoln ran from home and was never heard from again. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? Lincoln asks despairingly. Lynn refused to budge. Alright it's been a while since I've been able to update this and honestly I'm surprised that I was able to update two other fanfics tonight along with this one. - the meaner sisters in agreement, (Everyone is having a furious argument of if they should changed Lincoln into something different or to restore Lincoln his memories back). There is only one way to get Lincoln back! - the nicer sisters in agreement. Sadness washed over Lincoln yet again when the thought of Lily forgetting that he ever existed reared its ugly head. "Lynn, please Lincoln needs this as much as we do," begs Luna. They also had a large kitchen and a lot of space in the basement. Anyway it's time for me to get this story going again so that I can keep it going at the pace I want it to be at. Lincoln: There. Lori turns to look at Lynn only to see that she had disappeared. Fearing for the worst, Lincoln's remaining sisters raced to his bedside. LUAN: (in her PJs) True, Linky. "Who's gonna watch me roll in the mud," bemoans Lana. - Lincoln stated. - Leni said - Lets look at your past. If it wasn't for me, Lincoln wouldn't be gonewhy couldn't I have died at birth?". LINCOLN: Sure. "Who's gonna play Princess Makeover with me?" Lana: (from inside) Hey! LISA: Oh, come on, Leni! - Lynn says - He's my sports partner! (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. Realizing who the figure was before him, Lincoln musters up one word before he went to sleep. Suddenly, he heard sirens coming from close by. - Leni said - You're our only brother. Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to his sister Lynn jr who blamed him for loosing a baseball game (stupid ri Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. - Lana comforted - C'mon, let's relax and eat some of the cookies that Leni made. After 6 years, they finally get to see Lincoln again and they're amazed by the success that he's found. I always wanted Lincoln to be my enthusiastic sports partner and now I have the perfect chance! His greatest fear of having his youngest sister forget him had been dealt with, so he could finally be at ease. In the end, Lincoln is happy that his family no longer sees him as bad luck, but only when he's wearing the squirrel costume, much to his annoyance. Will these upcoming events What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? LUAN: He out cold. "Lincoln," screams Luan "Guys, he's awake!" Also, in the aforementioned episode, Lincoln experienced what he was afraid of. (Flashback to Toads and Tiaras once again; Cuts back to the present, Lola is shocked). "Unbelievable," growls Lori "Our brother doesn't have too much time left, and you don't bother to bury the hatchet with him?" or will Lincoln keep on going without knowing that they love his as more than a brother? This episode is available on the "Relative Chaos", "The Complete Second Season", "Chaos familial", and "Intgrale de la Saison 2" DVDs. Will Ronnie Anne be able hold out and prove Nikki and Lincoln wrong? - Leni scolded. I mean, remember when they locked me out of the house? - Leni ask, incensed - You don't wanna to help our little brother? "Truth is, despite everything, I actually liked you, twerp." - Lincoln said, in pain, (Lincoln walk to his bed and he feel asleep), (Lincoln wakes up and he walk out of his room and went to Leni and Lori's room, where Leni is reading). With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. LENI: Aw, you look so cute as a baby! tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Suddenly, Lynn manages to hit the ball, and the Squirrels end up winning the game. (Lincoln fall on the ground, Leni walk out of the kitchen and sees Lincoln, she gasp and run to him) LENI: Oh no! Lincoln/harem. - Leni said - You just wanna change him because you hated him. The doctor felt the intensity of the girls' looks, and he struggled to finish his conclusion. Has a tvtropes page! RITA: This has gone far enough! (He put the glass on his dresser, while Luna give him his crutch and they walk downstairs, Luna help him walk down and he sat down with Lana to watch TV). THERE IS SEX, a lot of SEX! So, here goes nothing. Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. - Leni ask, DR. MARSHALL: Then he'll became a new brother forever. - Lincoln said - If only Lynn admits that she's reckless, then everything should go smooth. - Leni ask worried, LYNN: (from outside) Aright, Lincoln, your next to hit the ball! After an accidental injury at the cinema, Lincoln has one week left to live which has made her sisters scarred and terrified from her brother. - Lola said - You knocked him on the floor, Leni! "Well, who's going to start?" LORI: How many times I had to tell you not to go into my bedroom! Cookies are sweet! (The three enjoy their cookies, Lincoln struggle on his crutch as he walk towards the living room, he slips on a skateboard and falls on his back), (Lana and Leni run up to Lincoln, Leni got on her knees. LINCOLN: I'm still shocked about it. (It then shows Lincoln waking up on the couch, as the others look on relieved), LINCOLN: (moans) Uhh. is muted. !" He cried. His past experiences had taught him that being the nice guy didn't always mean that you would get the girl. Lucy slowly walks over to her brother, clearly unhinged from the predicament. Please! "Lincoln, Lincoln, no!" screams his sisters as the doctor was alerted to the dilemma. LENI: How can you be that mean? LENI: Alright, Linc. "No Such Luck" is the fourteenth episode of the second season and the sixty-sixth episode of The Loud House. Lori screams in agony before clawing Lynn's face with her fingernails. 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The Log on virtually every girl clothes on blames - all because Lynn wo n't admit 's!

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loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory