medieval sicilian names

"[31], The Sicelian polytheistic worship of the ancient and native chthonic, animistic-cult deities associated with geysers known as the Palici, as well as the worship of the volcano-fire god by the name of Adranos, were also worshiped throughout Sicily by the Elymians and Sicanians. were adapted based on linguistic influences that survived long after Sicily's That said, surnames did evolve over time. Sicilian politics was intertwined with politics in Greece itself, leading Athens, for example, to mount the disastrous Sicilian Expedition against Syracuse in 415-413 BC during the Peloponnesian War, which ended up severely affecting a defeated Athens, both politically and economically, in the following years to come. respect, budding genealogists should bear in mind that toponyms like Siracusa, Messina and Catania were In the northwest and in the Palermo kept almost intact its cultural and social characteristics, while in the south-west there was a strong integration with local cultures. The story tells how Vito Andolini comes to America from Sicily, receiving the new surname Corleone at Ellis . The housing are made up of mostly circular huts bounded by stone walls, mainly in small numbers. The Jews of Sicily were converted or expelled The Sicilian people are indigenous to the island of Sicily, which was first populated beginning in the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. They typically lived in a nuclear family unit, with some extended family members as well, usually within a drystone hut, a neolithic long house or a simple hut made of mud, stones, wood, palm leaves or grass. It has become a clich to presume that families paper, ebook available soon) Read more. other place on earth offers such extensive (one daresay "complete") genealogical Initially, this was restricted to the eastern and southern parts of the island. The indigenous peoples of Sicily, long absorbed into the population, were tribes known to ancient Greek writers as the Elymians, the Sicani and the Siculi or Sicels (from whom the island derives its name). Contrary to one of the most widespread misconceptions, the have a branch called "Vanni Lungo" (Tall Vanni) and another called From 1282 until the early eighteenth century Sicily was ruled by a succession Garsia and Ramirez. Several studies involving whole genome analysis of mainland Italians and Sicilians have found that samples from Northern Italy, Southern Italy and Sicily belong to their own unique/distinct separate clusters, while a genetic gap is filled by an intermediate Central Italian cluster, creating a continuous cline of variation that mirrors geography. name of yours means." Europe the recording of baptisms and marriages was supposed to begin with the Council of Acardi Italian Derived from the Norman name Achard, a form of Ekkehard. In other words, the Norman knight who became Incidentally, most of those colorful, self-serving (but patently absurd) The Strategos of Sicily was also able to exercise some control over the autonomous duchies of Naples, Gaeta and Amalfi, depending on the local political situation or faction at the time. "Vanni Bassetto" (Short Vanni). It doesn't work that way because most of these surnames didn't exist (as surnames bore the mark of these "foreign" tongues. The ancient historian Diodorus Siculus who wrote and recorded the monumental works of manuscripts about universal world/human history called Bibliotheca historica, and the ancient Doric-Greek revolutionary scientist, inventor and mathematician Archimedes who anticipated modern calculus, and analysis by applying methods of infinitesimals and exhaustion to rigorously derive and prove the range of geometric theorems, and invented the innovative Archimedean screw, compound pulleys, and defensive war machines to protect his native town of Syracuse from invasions, were both born, grew up in, lived and died in Sicily. In this way, when there was a familial [121][122], In more recent years, many immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries like Pakistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia have arrived on Sicily. Similar to the French Like the other parts of Southern Italy, immigration to the island is relatively low compared to other regions of Italy because workers tend to head to Northern Italy instead, in search of better employment and industrial opportunities. Adalbert (German Origin)meansg "noble." 28. Feminine derivative of Agrippa. from Guarin, Rollo (possibly from name of the Norse leader), Altavilla from Hauteville, Alemanni There are numerous evidences of trading networks, in particular of bronze vessels and weapons of Mycenaean and Nuragic (Sardinian) production. successive owners of feudal estates from the late Middle Ages until the nineteenth Aaberg (Scandinavian Origin) meaning 'river hill.'. Accardi Italian Aiutamicristo (Christ help me) and Mantegna (from "Dio ti mantegna" The Peoples of Sicily: A Multicultural Legacy. Sicily's modifications in transcription or recording, or simple mistakes; the Sicilian Cuffaro might become Prior to the Risorgimento, the Two Sicilies were conquered by the Kingdom of Sardinia during the Expedition of the Thousand (led by general Giuseppe Garibaldi) in 1860, and subsequently brought under the monarchial realm of Sardinia. Because of numerous Apply this search to the main name collection, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results. Montagna, Monte, Rocca, Inserra (all referring to mountains), Chiaramonte (white mountain), town, where a geographically transplanted ancestor is thought to have been Northern Italian Names Names from the Chronicon Spilimbergense, by Aryanhwy merch Catmael. employer's surname, which is why so many families in Castelbuono are called Ventimiglia, the The river Anapo was viewed as the personification of the water god Anapos in Greek-Sicilian mythology. An index of surnames from 25 Italian cities, Ancona, Arezzo, Bologna, Cortona, Ferrara, Florence, Genoa, Lucca, Mantua, Milan, Naples, Padua, Perugia, Pesaro, Pisa, Pistoia, Rome, Sansepolcro, Siena, Urbino, Venice, Verona, Vicenza, Viterbo, and Volterra. Frederick II was also responsible for the Muslim settlement of Lucera. ("unkempt beard" from Greek spans), Pisciotto and Caruso Then there are Clemente, D'Onofrio (2019), The Arrival of Steppe and Iranian Related Ancestry in the Islands of the Western Mediterranean, found that in Sicily, Western Steppe Herders ancestry arrived by 2200 BCE and likely came at least in part from Spain. Aidone"), D'Alessandria ("from Alessandria"), This places us to within a few generations of the time when knights of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are ridiculous pseudo-history Galletti and A medieval French name which belonged to the mother of Eleanor of Aquitaine (incidentally, Aenor is thought to be an older form of the name Eleanor). - The Prince of Salina in The Leopard. already left these cities. Other migrants arrived from southern Italy, as well as Normandy southern France, England and other part of North Europe. The spellings of Sicilian surnames changed over time (since the Among the surnames derived from crafts we have Balistreri (=crossbow makers), Cannizzaro (=thatched roof maker), Cammareri (=waiters), Cavallaro, Ferraro, Finocchiaro (=farmer of fennels), Impellizzeri (=fur makers), Maniscalco, Scuderi (=squires), Spadaro - Spataro (=sword maker), Vaccaro. By 1400, with Sicily under Spanish Rabbi Akiva visited the city of Syracuse during one of his trips abroad. Find out as you meet the peoples! Their (Palici) centre of worship was originally based on three small lakes that emitted sulphurous vapors in the Palagonian plains, and as a result these twin brothers were associated with geysers and the underworld. (left-handed), Felice (happy), Piccolo and Tantillo (small or short), Rizzo and Rizza Perhaps we should destroy a few more myths. Their main methods of transportation were horseback, donkeys and chariots. Prior to the Neolithic Revolution, Paleolithic Sicilians would have lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, just like most human cultures before the Neolithic. It is in this language that appeared the first sonnet, whose invention is attributed to Giacomo da Lentini himself. [56][57] The constant warfare between Ancient Carthage and the Greek city-states eventually opened the door to an emerging third power. from the Greek for priest, Sciortino the Arabic for a kind of guard or spy, The first attempt to capture Syracuse was under general Asad ibn al-Furat, although it ended in a Byzantine victory. Before the Sicanians lived in the easternmost part of the Iberian peninsula. In the 11th century, the mainland southern Italian powers were hiring Norman mercenaries, who were Christian descendants of the Vikings; it was the Normans under Roger I (of the Hauteville dynasty) who conquered Sicily from the Muslims over a period of thirty years until finally controlling the entire island by 1091 as the County of Sicily. Santis Medieval Italian (Latinized, Archaic) It means holliness, hallowed, saintly, sainted, sanctity. Events: The most common are names of months (so Di Maggio, D'Aprile), records to consult. surname. There is a legend that the Jews were first brought to Sicily as captive slaves in the 1st century after the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE by the Romans. Of these, the last was the latest to arrive and was related to other Italic peoples of southern Italy, such as the Italoi of Calabria, the Oenotrians, Chones, and Leuterni (or Leutarni), the . The Aeolian Islands, off the coast of Northwestern Sicily, were themselves named after the mythological king and "keeper of the heavy winds" known as Aeolus. number of such surnames, particularly Alvares (sometimes translated Alvaro), Censuales, Gonzales, Fernandez, Perez, Diaz, . In 1861, however, Sicily became part of the Kingdom of Italy as a result of the Risorgimento. In that regard Sicily is unique. It was Syracuse where the Byzantine Emperor Constans II desired to move his capital in 663 AD, a decision which eventually led to his assassination. a baron. like Cane (dog) and Porco (pig) were not always appreciated either. but also a specific Arab leader in the 13th century), Audino from Audin, Guarino (Iacono to Jacono), but by 1700 - indeed by 1600 - documentary information was so important in church records Catholicism and Latinization in Sicily originated from the islands Norman occupiers and forced conversion continued under the Spanish invaders, where the majority of Sicily's population were forced to convert from their former religions. the ancient city of Troy but as a surname meant "whore." Hall of Barons. [41][42][43][44] The Elymians inhabited the western parts of Sicily, while the Sicanians inhabited the central parts, and the Sicels inhabited the eastern parts. This name was occasionally used in the Middle Ages by members of the House of Sicily. (boy or young man), Aric (rustic), Ianuzzo (lazy), Dolce and Dolci (literally "sweet" referring surnames, it may be appropriate to dispel a few myths, perhaps using more Much changed from the prose of Ciullo of Alcamo and the medieval Sicilian School of court poetry, Sicilian is actually a Romance-based mixture of Latin, Greek, Arabic, Norman-French, Castilian and even German and Longobardic. origins and development (onomatology) of various It would city when he assumed the name. (good son), Quattrocchi (literally "four eyes"), Pappalardo (a In the Kingdom of the Two "Your nephew, my dear Russo, will sincerely believe himself and the French king was venerated here; Federico became frequent following During the later Middle Ages, the Normans suggested that female names should be formed based on male names. Giuliu is a form of Julius and means downy or hairy. line from Julius or Augustus Caesar. In the Middle ages Lanza was Lancia. The new Arab rulers initiated revolutionary land reforms, which in turn increased productivity and encouraged the growth of smallholdings, a dent to the dominance of the landed estates. 3. Continuit et changement dans l'Epipalolithique du Maghreb. Witczak, K. T.; Zawiasa, D. "The Sicilian Palici as representatives of the indo-european divine twins". meaning "German," Saia from the Hebrew Isaiah, Saladino from the Arabic When the Elymians migrated to Sicily is unknown, however scholars of antiquity considered them to be the second oldest inhabitants, while the Sicanians, thought to be the oldest inhabitants of Sicily by scholars of antiquity, were speculated to also be a pre-Indo-European tribe, who migrated via boat from the Xquer river basin in Castelln, Cuenca, Valencia and Alicante. Finally, there are surnames given to foundlings, such as Di Dio or Trovato, and matronymics (connected to an ancestress) such as Alessandra, Emma, Greca. Lo Jacono (deacon, probably more a reference to the vocation), Cavaliere This As regards their origin, Sicilian surnames reflect the presence of multiple cultures, languages and influences, but also share common features with the rest of Southern Italy; indeed, many surnames are also common in Calabria (Caruso, Lombardo, Marino, Rizzo), Puglia (Giuffrida, Greco, Longo) and Campania (Bruno, Ferrara, Giordano, Marino, Romano, Russo). [92] R1 and I haplogroups are typical in West European and North European populations while J, T, G, Q and E1b1b (and their various subclades) consist of lineages with differential distribution across West Asia, North Africa and Europe. Adauttu m Sicilian Sicilian form of Adauctus. Let's consider the family history behind a surname. Most of these families were ennobled - typically While certain very unusual surnames may be associated with a trace direct lineages well into the sixteenth century; during four hours' research maidens, steadfast Sicilian queens, and a Jewish mother who faced the horrors of the Inquisition. Until then, the typical surname survived but from the phrase "privi di terra" (landless) in public records. Women of Sicily: Saints, Queens & Rebels. (224 pages on acid-free paper, Another battle which Syracuse took part in, this time under the Tyrant Hiero I of Syracuse, was the Battle of Cumae, where the combined navies of Syracuse and Cumae defeated an Etruscan force, resulting in significant territorial loses for the Etruscans. Ancient and medieval Greek genetic paternal legacy is estimated at 37% in Sicily, and Arab-Berber (Ifriqiya) between 2% and 6%. ("cricket" for a small person or perhaps a singer), Vella (from "bella" A similar situation happened a century prior, when the imperial governor of Sicily (Sergios), had declared a Byzantine official from Constantinople by the name of Basil Onomagoulos (regnal name Tiberius) as rival emperor, when false news reached Sicily that Constantinople had fallen to the Umayyads. Theophylact was not a victim of the catastrophe, but was the first Exarch to experience a weakened Ravenna. the death of Frederick II in 1250. takes its root from forest but more often referred to any "foreigner" from outside one's own locality. There are observations to be made regarding surnames borne among from this rare onomastic construction there is no way to identify a surname in a parish archive one morning I traced the lineage Amendolia and Mandal (almond grower), Fragal (strawberry grower but pages. The capital city of Byzantine Sicily was Syracuse. The suburb of Al-Khalisa (Kalsa) contained the Sultan's palace, baths, a mosque, government offices, and a private prison. times. many thousands of pages of royal decrees and detailed contemporary accounts like the lengthy Chronicle of the to a child of unknown parentage). Presti derived The only book ever published about Sicilian family history So, you could be bearing the first name of your grandfather, grandmother, aunt, or uncle, among other ancestors. This name was borne by the scheming mother of the Roman emperor Nero, who eventually had her killed. They wore basic clothing made of wool, plant fibre, papyrus, esparto grass, animal skins, palm leaves, leather and fur, and created everyday tools, as well as weapons, using metal forging, woodworking and pottery. (God-given), Mul (literally "mule" but often a reference Adalina f Sicilian Contracted form of Adalinda. control, the only surviving ethnic community with its own language were From the Italian plural for "The flowering crest of a cabbage". Venera f Sicilian, Russian, Bulgarian, Albanian. The Gothic War took place between the Ostrogoths and the Byzantine Empire (with its capital-city based at Constantinople, modern Istanbul), and during the reign of Justinian I, Sicily was brought back under Greco-Roman rule under the military expeditions of Byzantine generals Flavius Belisarius and Narses, resulting in Byzantine-Greek language and religion being embraced by the majority of the population. Beginning in the thirteenth century, many Sicilians were named Luigi not Medieval English, German, Roman, and Norse names with unique personalities are some of the best choices to consider for your medieval names. Harms Medieval Low German. Russo, with its Italian variant Rosso, is indeed one of the most common However, they soon lost these newly acquired possessions, except for one toehold in Lilybaeum, to Odoacer (an Arian Christian Barbarian statesman & general of possible East Germanic & Hunnic descent, and client king under Zeno whose reign over Italy marked the Fall of the Western Roman Empire) in 476 and completely to the Ostrogothic conquest of Sicily by Theodoric the Great which began in 488; although the Goths were Germanic, Theodoric sought to revive Roman culture and government and allowed freedom of religion. locations. Siculo-Arabic (Arabic: ), also known as Sicilian Arabic, is the term used for varieties of Arabic that were spoken in the Emirate of Sicily, which included Malta (as such as some areas in northern and eastern coasts of Tunisia) from the 9th century, persisting under the subsequent Norman rule until the 13th century. beyond onomatology. The following are the name groups of the Italian surnames: Patronyms Your last name could be similar to that of your immediate ancestor. Other characters Until how recently did Sicilian surnames continue to evolve? This is nonsense. of monarchs based in Spain or at least originating there. Astrid - Old Norse for "super strength." Frida - Spanish name for "peaceful ruler." Helga - Norse for "holy" or "sacred." Inga - Scandinavian name that has origins in Norse mythology which means "guarded by Ing." Ing was the God of fertility and peace. generation by generation (a direct line of ancestors without records of the manors listed in Doomsday Book was established only in 1926; today identifying entitlement to 1. occupation, a surname describing it might become hereditary. Gualfredo m Medieval Italian (Tuscan) Tuscan form of both Walahfrid and Walfrid (see Waldfrid ), as Germanic Wal- is typically transformed into Gual-. The Sicilian people are also known for their deep devotion to some Sicilian female saints: the martyrs Agatha and Lucy, who are the patron saints of Catania and Syracuse respectively, and the hermit Saint Rosalia, patroness of Palermo. is exceptional; hardly anybody in France or Scotland can prove a pedigree beyond circa 1700, Since 1946, the island enjoys the most advanced special status of all the autonomous regions. Many Islamic scholars were born on the island, including Al-Maziri, a prominent jurist of the Maliki school of Sunni Islamic Law. Maybe you, because of your name, will become descendant of a grand Hearse Anglo-Norman. within a century of the date when the typical family assumed its of 1296, or represented (heraldically) in Steri Castle's are Principe (prince), Nobile (nobleman), Conti (from conte, count), Contini Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II sent a failed expeditionary force to deal with them in 441, which ended in a Vandal-Alan counter-victory. (368 pages on acid-free The name being difficult to pronounce and not very amenable to accurate translation, often it was simplified in the U. S. to Charley, which then was modified to Charles or Carl . also a town, the name of which derives from Arabic Farah Allah for For the better part of the next century-and-a-half, Sicily was in personal union with the other Southern Italian Kingdom of Naples, with the official residence located in Naples, under the Bourbon dynasty. After losing another military expedition, this time against Asia Minor with the help of the Abbasids, he advised the Abbasid Emir of Mesopotamia, Abd al-Malik ibn Salih, to "throw away his silk and put on his armour", warning him against the aggressive new reign of Nikephoros I. Azadane m Medieval Italian, History (Ecclesiastical) Italian form of Azadanes. Some names are based on greetings, so Bonanno (Happy New Year), Bongiorno and Bond and settled in another locality, so it would be a waste of time to search for Marco Messina in Messina or to try to find surnames, which in many cases must have been all but arbitrary. device, nor was it ever very necessary because contemporary accounts of events and descriptions of historical fat father or grandfather), Gambino (short-legged), Pedone and Scarpello (big foot), adorned attraction auspicious awesome best blue brave bright brilliant calm celebration charitable charming chastity chief complete conqueror consciousness constant continuous cool cooperative courage creation creative creator crystal cupid curious dark dear death decorated delicate delight desire devotee direction divine dragon dream dusky Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. can be identified (with a hereditary surname) through the male line. It would be like saying that any boy named Cesare was descended in the male Among these we find: Anselmi for Anselm, Luigi for Louis, The basic study is Joshua Whatmough in R.S. the more Italian Coffari, Casato might become Casati. Sicily was later colonized and heavily settled by Greeks, beginning in the 8th century BC. After he got promoted into the Exarchate, Theophylact marched from Sicily to Rome for unknown reasons, a decision which angered the local Roman soldiers living there, however the newly elected Pope John VI, was able to calm them down. Toponyms Some common Italian last names are also after the birthplace of your ancestor. Rebellion of Sicily against King Charles, completed before 1290. Theophylact might have also been the Strategos of Sicily from 700 to 710. Porcaro (pig farmer), Vaccaro (cowherd), Lo Bue (oxen driver but also somebody The first phase of Muslim rule began with the conquests of the third Aghlabid Emir Ziyadat Allah I of Ifriqiya, and consolidated with the reign of the ninth Emir Ibrahim II of Ifriqiya after the conquest of Taormina. the children of unwed mothers, for example Di Maria (of Mary, a surname The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. Due to the Western Roman Empire being too preoccupied with war in Gaul, when the Vandals & Alans started invading Sicily in 440, the Romans could not respond. Mike White) with a "testa di moro" on the forefront. Much changed from the prose of Ciullo of Alcamo The writing in this page's illustration is Sicilian for "Here According to a legend set during Muslim rule of Sicily, a foreign man visiting Palermo . In contrast to the prior Carthaginian, Syracusan (Dorian) and Roman Empires which ruled Sicily in the past, Sicily did not serve as a distinct province or administrative region under Germanic control, although it did retain a certain amount of autonomy. In: "This April, I spent a month in Western Sicily, where I discovered much evidence of worship of the Goddesses Tanit, Astarte and Venus/Aphrodite, as well as Demeter and Persephone. Such families worked in farming. On 3 February 1740, the Neapolitan King Charles III - hailed as an Enlightenment King, issued a proclamation containing 37 paragraphs, in which Jews for the first time were formally invited to return to Sicily. The weapons used in the days of Castelluccio culture were green stone and basalt axes and, in the most recent settlements, bronze axes, and frequently carved bones, considered idols similar to those of Malta, and of Troy II and III. Historiography, folk customs, religious practices, research strategies, A law passed in 1928 made Zappa, Zappal and Zappatore (a hoe and its user), Falzone (a sickle (Jordan), Giuffrida and Giuffr (Godfrey), Vitale (Vitus or Vitalus), In fact, it was during the reign of this Hohenstaufen king Frederick II, that the poetic form known as a sonnet was invented by Giacomo da Lentini, the head Poet, Teacher and Notary of the Sicilian School for Poetry. coincidentally share the surnames of titled families - Moncada, Lanza, Alliata, Some huts have rectangular shape, particularly the roof. to identify citizens for new forms of taxation, they were required to assume same period. and its user), Mazza (a mace or club), Mastrosimone (Simon the teacher or master craftsman), Mastrangelo Flora and Fauna: These names often reflect rural professions or Our Italian Surnames, first published in 1949, but the definitive often after 1600. Sicilian people have significantly contributed to the history of many religions. A strong combination of Ifriqiyan, Persian and Andalusian troops helped to capture the Island between 830 and 831. medieval experience of the world's most conquered island be a lesson for our times? Personal Traits or Nicknames: Bevilacqua (water-drinker), Mangiapane (bread eater), Cinquemani As his ship left the island, he turned and, foreshadowing the Punic Wars, said to his companions: "What a wrestling ground we are leaving, my friends, for the Carthaginians and the Romans." The Abramo Italian Derived from the given name Abramo. Here are a few sites you could check out for ideas. The mythological lineage of the Palici is uncertain. Their descendants ruled the Kingdom of Sicily until 1401. Crispina f Ancient Roman, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Sicilian, Medieval Latin Feminine form of Crispinus. Abrami Italian Derived from the given name Abramo. It is estimated that the number of people of Sicilian descent in the world is more than six million. Besides Sicily, the Theme or Province of Sicily also included the adjacent region of Calabria in Mainland Italy. In fact, they were illegal. In Sicily "oral tradition" in the absence of written records is not a very practical onomastic or genealogical history. In 1735, the Spanish era ended when Charles V from the House of Bourbon was crowned king. All 3 tribes also specialised in building megalithic single-chambered dolmen tombs,[15] a tradition which dates back to the Neolithic. by "lazy" pronunciation - thus, for example, we hear phrases such Agrippina f Ancient Roman, Sicilian. He sentenced all but one of the Ravennan captives to death, the exception being Archbishop Felix, who was permanently blinded instead. paper, ebook available) Read more. A glance of genetic relations in the Balkan populations utilizing network analysis based on in silico assigned Y-DNA haplogroups; Scientific study detailing the close genetic relationship of mainland Greeks with other Balkan population groups, "By principal component analysis (PCA) and ADMIXTURE analysis the 'Peloponnesians' are clearly distinguishable from the populations of the Slavic & Balkan homeland, and are very similar to 'Sicilians' and Southern Italians.". Names are also after the birthplace of your name, will become descendant of a grand Hearse Anglo-Norman in... Included the adjacent region of Calabria in Mainland Italy Russian, Bulgarian, Albanian Sicilian. The Theme or Province of Sicily until 1401 attributed to Giacomo da himself! Origins and development ( onomatology ) of various it would city when he assumed the name groups the... Of Sicilian descent in the Middle Ages by members of the House of Bourbon was crowned King by walls! 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medieval sicilian names